Following #gradscicomm? Summer 2014 #ComSciCon at @Harvard – free & offering travel reimbursement, accommodations http://bit.ly/LSw5X4
Very cool. @McGillU should host #gradscicomm event like this for #Canadian students http://bit.ly/LSw5X4
Our #gradscicomm #AAASmtg session is Friday Feb 14 at 8:30am CST Organized by @goldmane & @brookesimler. Background: http://bit.ly/1dwNMlZ
Our #gradscicomm #AAASmtg session is Friday Feb 14 at 8:30am CST Organized by @goldmane & @brookesimler. Background: http://bit.ly/1dwNMlZ
Come talk to us about our poster this Saturday at #AAASmtg @LizNeeley #scicomm #gradscicomm @coralsncaves pic.twitter.com/I4MywcIgpO
81 students and 34 departments as of last month! #osuscicomm #gradscicomm #scicomm #gobeavs #oregonstate #gradchat pic.twitter.com/vWhxlOH6xj
On this V-day I will be livetweeting from the #gradscicomm and #climate sessions. But first, coffee. #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/J4O66PFMdL
Building National Capacity in Science Communication for STEM Graduate Students #AAASmtg #gradscicomm pic.twitter.com/onYLzE2mno
Starting now! Follow #gradscicomm for our #AAASmtg session on integrating #scicomm training into STEM education http://bit.ly/1jeyIy8
Here we go! #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
.@brookesimler: We at @COMPASSonline seen a huge growth in demand from grad students for #gradscicomm #AAASmtg
Starting off today with #gradscicomm session at #AAASmtg. Seeing a lot of familiar faces
@ania_wronski MT@LizNeeley: Follow #gradscicomm for #AAASmtg session on integrating #scicomm training into STEM ed http://bit.ly/1jeyIy8
.@brookesimler:Over the next 3 hours, we will figure out why, what, and how of #gradscicomm (w/audience participation) #AAASmtg
ugh, I keep misspelling Brooke’s handle.Sorry. #gradscicomm
To follow more conversations about graduate science communication training, there’s the #GradSciComm hashtag. #AAASmtg
First up:Gerald Blazey of NIU on the modernization of graduate education. Why? What is being done? #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Our #gradscicomm session at #AAASmtg just kicked off! Join our convo!
First up: Gerald Blazey. 50,000 doctorates a year, over half not in academia. #aaasmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey:Over half of PhDs end up outside of academia. #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Jerry blazer from the White House tells us how invested we need to be in grad ed for a better work force. #gradscicomm #AAASmtg
First up Gerald Blazey with @whitehouseostp http://bit.ly/M039g6 : why modernize grad education? #gradscicomm #aaasmtg
Blazey: PhDs are not aligned w societal needs, and too narrowly focused on discipline instead of professional scope #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
NIH funds more grad students than any other. NSF is a close second. Fed govt has huge role. #gradscicomm #nsf
.Blazey: recommendations incl. partnerships w private sector, internships/traineeships, more interdisc. education #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Sorry #gradscicomm but I might not use that hashtag with all #AAASmtg tweets. Too many characters! 🙂
Studies show Low PhD completion rates and in general students lack professional, transferable skills #gradscicomm #aaasmtg
Blazey: fed funding for science and tech is not centralized, but fed policy and coordination are–at @whitehouseostp #aaasmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey: @whitehouseostp provides synthesis of sci/tech policy. Funding is distributed, in the FedGov, but policy isn’t #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Does US need Ministry of Science? Hard 4 @whitehouseostp 2 coordinate #STEM policy w/o centralized funding capability #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
COMPASS #gradscicomm show underway. Why and how of communications training for grad school. Stellar lineup. #AAASmtg #scicomm @DecodeSci
Blazey breaking down the @whitehouseostp‘s units and scope; super helpful, but hard to tweet #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey: “The strongest signal is that we need to broaden the skills in grad education.” #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey:”grad education is not well aligned with the breadth of America’s workforce.” from @whitehouseostp prob. statem.#AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey: the @whitehouseostp formed an informal Graduate Ed. Modernization working group to identify & address gaps #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
@whitehouseostp has great passion and vision. It gets mired in the politics on the Hill. #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
If you are a grad student in the sciences, you need to be following #gradscicomm this morning! From #AAASmtg
Fed govt IS focusing on grad ed reform (“modernization”). #gradscicomm #AAASmtg
Blazey: the COMPETES act required @whitehouseostp‘s NSTC to create a 5-hr plan for modernizing STEM ed at all levels #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
To recap: Studies led to discovery of problem, interface b/t @whitehouseostp & stakeholders led to working group #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey: federal agencies starting to focus on #GradSciComm and graduate education. #AAASmtg
Next, @goldmane will outline the need for #scicomm training for STEM grad students http://bit.ly/M05Xd1 #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Blazey: la formation des étudiants gradués pas assez axée sur besoins sociaux #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
.@COMPASSonline tried to get a handle of the #scicomm resources for grad student, but it is hard and fuzzy .#gradscicomm #AAASmtg
Blazer: les étudiants gradués reçoivent une grande partie de leurs subventions du gvt, celui-ci a un rôle important à jouer #gradscicomm
.@goldmane: check out http://bit.ly/M06lIt for a list of #scicomm training for STEM grad students #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Of interest #gradscicomm #AAASmtg CGS report “Global Convergences and Divergences in Doctoral Education” w/ OSTP GEM http://www.eua.be/Libraries/CDE_Global_Forum/Deirdre_Mageean.sflb.ashx …
#gradscicomm dissemination is static, science communication needs to move toward dialogue
Our #gradscicomm session at #AAASmtg is underway. Bookmark our latest blogpost – handy background, resources & links: http://compassblogs.org/blog/2014/01/08/gradscicommreportback/ …
Sad to be missing #gradscicomm at #AAASmtg but happy to be boarding an actual airplane
Les agences fédérales commencent à mettre l’emphase sur la #gradscicomm et les étudiants gradués #AAASmtg
MT @RockyRohde Key compet. #GradSciComm: listening, dialogue, building trust, distilling complex topics, audience consid., storytelling.
#gradscicomm For me, defining core competencies in #scicomm = most difficult & fascinating. Theory & practice Crosslinks to #scioscicomm
.@goldmane: #gradscicomm is internal & external; change is coming from top-down & bottom-up (e.g. @UW_CoEnv‘s @LisaGraumlich) #AAASmtg
#gradscicomm training should be tailored to students’ individual career goals. #AAASmtg
#gradscicomm For example: some wonderful storytellers might not be competent science communicators… Tricky to pick it all apart
What should be the #gradscicomm competency for grad students? Who should be involved? At @COMPASSonline session #AAASmtg
Is this infrastrucutre for #gradscicomm scalable? I wonder. #AAASmtg
Want to learn more about #GradSciComm? Make sure to follow @COMPASSonline & check out their blog for handy resources: http://compassblogs.org/
.@LizNeeley #gradscicomm there is also the tug-of-war between narrative accuracy vs. accessibility.
I’m so honored to be volunteering at the AAAS Annual Meeting and meeting pioneers in science and technology policy! #AAASmtg #GradSciComm
Question: what can grad students do to start bottom up effort in #gradscicomm #aaasmtg @goldmane @brookesimler
roadblocks to #gradscicomm? lack of support from advisors. monitoring and evaluation – how are we doing? #AAASmtg
.@goldmane: Many roadblocks for #gradscicomm training now,e.g. advisor support, evaluation, $$$. “Funding is a pathway, not an obstacle.”
Half of Grads work outside of their STEM degree. Comm training & more needed for brining sci to govt, policy, public. #gradscicomm #aaasmtg
Bruce Lewenstein on to talk about #GradSciComm at #AAASmtg
Next, Bruce Lewenstein/Cornell, on defining core competencies for #scicomm for STEM grads http://bit.ly/M099W9 #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Let’s also help undergraduates learn sci comm skills. @LouWoodley #AAASmtg #gradscicomm http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bmb.20770/abstract …
.@COMPASSonline #gradscicomm includes accessibility for ALL. Your blog not a good example. One pager as an image? http://compassblogs.org/gradscicomm/
Pour une meilleure #gradscicomm : soutien de conseillers, plus de ressources et meilleure pédagogie #AAASmtg
.@blew1000: “Commnication:The ESSENCE OF SCIENCE” http://books.google.com/books/about/Communication_the_essence_of_science.html?id=DghgAAAAMAAJ#AAASmtg … #gradscicomm
MT @JenEDavison: .@goldmane: for #gradscicomm to happen, internal & external support as well as top-down & bottom-up initiatives. #AAASmtg
Compétences clés pour #gradscicomm : écoute, dialogue, bâtir confiance, distiller sujets complexes, raconter des histoires #AAASmtg
We *know* this, but so easy to forget MT @TheresaLiao: #SciComm not a linear process. A lot messier – Lewenstein #GradSciComm #AAASmtg
Grad students need a better sense of the context (re: public & social aspects) – Bruce Lewenstein #GradSciComm #AAASmtg
.@blew1000: we have reliable knowledge abt how #scicomm works (i.e. #scioscicomm). We need to refer to it. #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
audience chuckle at @blew1000‘s cartoon, 1 scientist to another “one thing i’ll say, we never stooped to popularizing science” #gradscicomm
Note: Studies were done by Dunwoody over the past 30 years, not @blew1000. #gradscicomm
Les efforts en #gradscicomm doivent être faits à deux niv. : Institutionnel (à l’intérieur des univ.) et a l’externe (programmes nationaux)
“We never stooped to popular science” – not true. There is a direct benefit to appearing in the media – Lewenstein #GradSciComm #AAASmtg
First, last and middle thing to teach in #GradSciComm – know your audience. Lewenstein #GradSciComm #AAASmtg
#gradscicomm core includes knowing your audience, clear writing and storytelling
@sneakypeteiii Many English dpts offer Rhetoric of Science courses covering these issues; encourage enrollment in these courses #gradscicomm
Q from audience: Is there a distinction in core competencies for different fields? E.g. w/politics and media #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
@joseenadia Merci de vos joindre notre #gradscicomm colloque! Had amazing training for @ElenaBennett‘s group (avec @jfbouthillette) in Sept
Q from audience: What about multicultural audiences? Core competencies for broadening participation? #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Q: how is the work to define #gradscicomm core competencies addressing diversity issues? …A: not systematically. #AAASmtg
Audience question: what about #gradscicomm for diverse audiences? A: Not one of core competences but should maybe be added. #AAASmtg
@makautry definitely, English/rhetoric depts.don’t usually talk to science departments! #gradscicomm
Question at #gradscicomm #AAASmtg: is coping with specific audiences a focus? Yes! Despite what we heard from comfortable Sr sci journos
@JenEDavison inappropriate to bring personal values to non-editorial, but must discuss consequences & ramifications #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
@michaelmarieks May be relevant research in informal education field on engaging w/ underserved audiences? #GradSciComm #AAASmtg
Round 2 of #gradscicomm: Rick Tankersley w @NSF on evaluating efficacy of #scicomm for STEM grad students http://bit.ly/1jgYPVa #AAASmtg
Tankersley: Proficiency levels go from skill acquisition, to application, to mastery. #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
Tankersley will focus on evaluation of training. #AAASmtg #gradscicomm
#gradscicomm #AAASmtg Rick Tankersley NSF IGERT PO talks about what actually works in #scicomm training, data! @DecodeSci @SCAPEMizzou
SO important MT @JenEDavison: #gradscicomm: Rick Tankersley @NSF on evaluating efficacy of #scicomm training http://bit.ly/1jgYPVa #AAASmtg
@LizNeeley Very interested in the #gradscicomm project, since that’s basically my job. Won’t be at scio but perhaps we can meet on campus.
.@rtankers‘ “Ocean’s Eleven” of #scicomm proficiencies. #AAASmtg #gradscicomm pic.twitter.com/L7nBDVE53H
#gradscicomm @rtankers says practice doesn’t make perfect. Also need training
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