#gradscicomm: day two
National Academy of Sciences building in Washington, D.C. December 6th 2013.
#gradscicomm: the current landscape of communication trainings available to graduate students in the STEM disciplines
Day 2 of #gradscicomm. Time to turn all of yesterday’s discussion into some action items
Our vision for society: trust in science, science literacy, scientist as desirable career, better informed public policy #gradscicomm
Our vision for #GradSciComm: communication part of fabric of grad edu, institutions offer support, shared understanding of best practices
Diving into day 2 of #gradscicomm – putting the “work” in workshop 😉
Our roadblocks: culture change slow, quantify ROI, lack of institutional incentives, $ and time #gradscicomm
Top 5 #GradsciComm competencies: audience understanding, state “so what”, distilation of complex ideas, storytelling, writing clearly
“Almost everything you need to know to communicate clearly is found in the soft sciences… which scientists won’t read” #gradscicomm
#GradSciComm workshop ranks storytelling among top 5 #scicomm competencies for graduate students = secret satisfaction. | @ScientistStory
I don’t think the @COMPASSonline staff sleep. Amazing how prepared they are #gradscicomm
Society benefits of #gradscicom = better informed policies, trust in science, and people want to *be* scientists (among others) #GradSciComm
Change in #GradSciComm requires: motivated people, alignment of the powers that can support, pressure+rewards from outside
#GradSciComm *new* collective challenge: mapping pathways to integrate science communication core competencies into STEM grad ed training.
Our collective challenge for #GradSciComm workshop: mapping the pathways to integrate #SciComm core competencies into STEM grad edu
Just like a group of scientists, we end up arguing over semantics in the #GradSciComm workshop. Holistic me wants to focus on bigger picture
Science communication skill translates into improved cross-cultural communication. Impt wrt internationalization of science #gradscicomm
How to empower students to start something bigger than themselves is a recurring theme here at #GradSciComm workshop
Lack of advisor support an obstacle to #scicomm? I think, at first, maybe we don’t need support, just abolishing opposition. #gradscicomm
Heard at #GradSciComm :”Small groups model change. And u need a person of rank w/in that core group of #scicomm champions at ur university.”
What about this bumper sticker for professors’ doorway: “Science communication? Meh. I’m not opposed.” #gradscicomm #safezone
Heard at #GradSciComm “Increasingly we see advisors mentor responsibilities being outsourced ex. to institutional pro-development programs”
Now mapping pathways to overcome lack of advisor support for #GradSciComm for their students. We need better data on why they don’t.
Aligning benefits of effective sci comm with audience goals is broad theme at #gradscicomm.
database of science communication materials and workshops, targeting grad students http://j.mp/195AHlP @COMPASSonline #GradSciComm
A delightful thing about being at @NASciences for #gradscicomm are all the surprise encounters in the hallways. Lots of delighted hugging
A good exercise 4 #gradscicomm stus wld be 2 go thru dept pages & translate mentor research webpages into relevant, public-friendly lingo.
As a non-sci, I’m always looking up rec’d sci speakers. When their webpages are nothing but acronyms…no help, no relevance. #gradscicomm
Our #gradscicomm presentations are now posted on SlideShare –
Day 1: http://slidesha.re/18dFPG0
Day 2: http://slidesha.re/18dFS4B -
It obvious that evaluation critical for #scicomm education. What’s success? I thnk audience comprehension. How to get it done? #GradSciComm
@RBooneAK I’ve been on twitter hiatus… what is the story with #gradscicomm? Looks interesting & relevant to a discussion I had this week.
Great resource! MT @LizNeeley #gradscicomm presentations posted on SlideShare
Day 1: http://slidesha.re/18dFPG0
Day 2: http://slidesha.re/18dFS4B ” -
Overheard at #gradscicomm : “How can we better connect sci comm trainers with evaluators for monitoring? They tend to be silo-ed. Surprise.”
We all agree that incorporating monitoring and evaluation into #GradSciComm is such a thorny topic that it needs it’s own workshop
Widespread problem in #GradSciComm: expert evaluation is expected but resources not provided. Unfunded mandate.
FF all the good people working on #gradscicomm eg @LizNeeley @Nancy_Baron @RockyRohde @GoodbyeShoe @informalscience @tiffanylohwater et al
#gradscicomm has reverted to cave drawings pic.twitter.com/lrBoG5StE1
We want to invest in quantifying the reasons #GradSciComm benefits students and institutions as persuasion for dissaproving faculty.
More calls for data. What’s the ROI for scientists communicating? There’s research out there but where are gaps? #GradSciComm #SciComm
#gradscicomm: @NSF EHR Core Research grant opportunity http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?WT.z_pims_id=504924&ods_key=nsf13555 … AND @informalscience webinar on it: http://informalscience.org/community/calendar/details/ehr-core-research-ecr-outreach-webinars …
Social sciences not set up to answer Qs for the hard sciences (e.g. #scicomm evaluation) How to align incentives of hard+soft? #GradSciComm
@GoodbyeShoe our overworked brains are retreating from the criticizing, synthesizing, and collaborating. What’s left? Doodling. #gradscicomm
OH #gradscicomm:
“I’ve heard a lot about carrots for getting faculty on board, anyone talk about sticks?”
“Well we talked about shaming!” -
#GradSciComm perceived by institutions as single publics issue. Need to frame as underlying component of grad edu modernization + breadth
The #GradSciComm roadmap we’ve created at this workshop needs broader national buy-in. Regional workshops?
Many people think grad edu is a relatively small problem in education overall. How do we create a sense of urgency? #GradSciComm
Over half of us at #GradSciComm workshop will be at @AAASMeetings this year in Chicago, and @COMPASSonline is hosting a symposium.
#GradSciComm culture change will not be linear, we need to identify pressure points and capitalize on serendipitous opportunities.
After #GradSciComm workshop we feel motivated, not alone, want to expand community, build bridges to connect silos, bring message of hope.
@RockyRohde This illustrates the need for conveyors of that info who can help make connections w/ natural science. #gradscicomm
HUGE thanks to @LizNeeley @goldmane @Nancy_Baron & @brookesimler for organizing/running #GradSciComm! #startofabeautifulfriendship
Findings here could be relevant #gradscicomm audience.