#NASinterface day two: Where to invest?
#NASinterface day two: Where to invest?
Sustainable Infrastructures for Life Science Communication: A Workshop
Part 2: The funding perspective. January 10, 2014; 8:30am – 3:00pm
What institutional barriers are keeping life scientists from communicating to the public about their work?While issues in the life sciences find increasing relevance in public dialogue — environmental change, health and medicine, food security, among others — there appears to be little in the way of institutional or societal commitment and infrastructure to support the communications activities of life scientists. At the same time, some organizations are exploring new or alternate models for supporting life scientists as they interact with various publics.
The National Academies invites you to join leaders from the life sciences community and from research organizations to explore the current landscape of public communication of the life sciences. The workshop will address the many challenges life science professionals face, including intellectual property issues in industry, policy restrictions in government, and incentives and adequate support structures at the university level, as well as new opportunities and models of communications.
#NASinterface using left-over Hanukkah gelt for our latest activity pic.twitter.com/2LwQRRF4m4
Register for Jan10 NAS workshop on infrastructure for life science #scicomm! (psst, lunch is included) #NASinterface http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/ …
My #NASInterface talk on 20 yrs of #scicomm approaches & strategies http://youtu.be/x9oTY16FMIc See also @brossardd‘ talk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvDUCmgV_CQ …
Get ready for Day 2 of #NASinterface tomorrow with this @COMPASSonline Day 1 recap http://ow.ly/sqfh6 and Storify http://ow.ly/sqfpM
Or, if you have a lot of time on your hands, watch the Day 1 presentations http://ow.ly/sqfD4 #NASinterface
The meeting cont tomorrow. See you there MT @drkeegansawyer: Videos from the #NASinterface workshop are up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDyBJdypmng …
Watch and join our @NASciences discussions on scientists engaging! #NASInterface continues today. http://bit.ly/1276S1N
President Burris in D.C. for Sustainable Infrastructure for Life #scicomm #NASinterface http://fb.me/1503miPA8
Dr. Burris will make reference to BWF’s publication Communicating Science #NASinterface http://fb.me/2IwryLHps
Back for the 2nd day, the crowd in the room is smaller, but Brooke tells us there are lot of folks online #nasinterface
Braving the weather today to be back at @NASciences for the belated Day 2 of #NASInterface
The @NASciences workshop is beginning now! Technical issues are resolved. Please join us online via #NASinterface. http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/sustainable-infrastructures-for-life-science-communication-webcast/ …
Recap from science and practice perspectives by @RangerRik and @blew1000, experts in #scicomm research and practice. #NASInterface
passionate scientists often don’t have institutional support for #scicomm, @RangerRik reminds us: altruism not sustainable. #nasinterface
@RangerRik Summaries comunications efforts at 3 different levels- individual, institutional, community practice. #nasinterface
“Altruism is not a sustainable model for scicomm” #NASInterface
.@blew1000 research shows extrinsic rewards are not a factor in scientists engaging. maybe bc they don’t really exist? #nasinterface
@blew1000 summaries research – scientists mainly motivated by intrinsic reward – extrinsic factors may be benign #nasinterface
.@blew1000 research shows scientists focus on providing information, neglect (as important) need to build trust with audience #nasinterface
@RangerRik asks how to distinguish promoting science from promoting institution? important but tough in monitoring #scicomm. #Nasinterface
@RangerRik challenges institutions to think about whether they are educating abt science or educating abt their institution #nasinterface
.@RangerRik notes that in #scicomm, policies of “better safe than sorry” aren’t cutting it. #NASinterface
.@RangerRik: “Should be willing to be more sorry than safe from time to time” #NASInterface
@RangerRik institutions should not have a “better safe than sorry” attitude towards communication #nasinterface
is the lack of a community of practice of life science communications holding back scaling? #nasinterface
Having moved through different science communication fields have seen the fragmentation of the communication field #nasinterface
In practice, science communications is disconnected from the literature about effective science communications @RangerRik #NASInterface
love seeing @RangerRik and @blew1000 model connecting research and practice in #scicomm. #NASInterface
Follow @brookesimler for updates from #NASinterface (when she’s not speaking)
#scicomm research shows us a lot of ideas, but not a lot about how to implement them. this is a big challenge. #NASInterface
Funder panel up next- #nasinterface
We need to define the ROI on #scicomm, the AWESOME panel at #NASInterface is tackling now from philanthropy, NSF, Congress, white house.
Today! MT @drkeegansawyer: How should scientist #scicomm be funded? What should the ROIs be? #NASinterface http://bit.ly/JBrmIQ
John Burris discusses history of #scicomm, started w/ “publish in a journal” or at lectures (back to 1825) We have come far. #NASInterface.
classic but continuing way to share science, Farady Lectures, http://bit.ly/KIFkZD #NASInterface
John Burris walking us through 150 years of science communication from Faraday lectures through Sputnik #nasinterface
Burris shares post sputnik #scicomm done and funded through newspapers and magazines. #nasinterface
John Burris: “Sports will always trump science” in the pages of a newspaper #NASInterface
John Burris just gave a shout out to museums! Great places to learn about science. #scicomm #nasinterface
John Burris of @BWFUND there is no evidence that blog of today will be important in the future #NASinterface
Does increased communication about science lead to increased funding – anybody got a reference for this? #nasinterface
#nasinterface J. Burris talking about history of sci comm. 2 sources (paywalls): http://bit.ly/1amB5x9 , http://bit.ly/19i6YZ4
thanks for the shout out John Burris @BWFUND, we do need more communicationtrainings like @COMPASSonline! #NASInterface
David Malakoff – Bigger science audience than ever before but less $$ out there to reach them – solutions? #NASInterface
For hist of sci comm, see also books at http://www.amazon.com/Marcel-C.-LaFollette/e/B001HCWVVQ … #nasinterface
#nasinterface Do we invest enough in #scicomm? As @brookesimler would say, $ is a pathway not a roadblock.
easy to say there is a lack of $ in #scicomm, what would we even spend it on? #NASinterface
House staffer Alan Slobodin discussing NIH comms spending #NASinterface
alan slobodin notes that it’s asking about if we spend enough $ on #scicomm, is not the right question. we won’t have more. #NASInterface
Is the question for #NASinterface are we spending *enough* on scicomm, or whether we are spending what we have wisely?
Dennis S. @NSF Monday Night Science – love the concept #NASInterface
Discussion about funding focusing on priorities #nasinterface
What institutional barriers are keeping life scientists from communicating to the public abt their work? http://bit.ly/KanWfN #NASinterface
Dennis Schatz @NSF says understanding of core competencies in science communication & building infrastructure are key #nasinterface
Kei Koizumi OSTP tells #NASinterface the federal investment in scicomm is not known. No data on scicomm as a discrete activity.
#nasinterface Should #scicomm funding be a line-item in federal budget? Is it possible to quantify otherwise?
Kei Koizumi @whitehouseostp #scicomm is not a line item – so we don’t know what we are spending but we do support it #NASInterface
Kei Koizumi (OSTP): can’t say if we spend enough on #scicomm, it’s not a bucket we fund, we have no idea how much we do spend #NASinterface
Will we ever know how much we invest in #scicomm? I get it is really complex, but would be really nice to know something. #NASInterface
Kei Koizumi reminds us that US invests $450 Billion in research. 2/3 is private, 1/3 is gov’t. #NASInterface
Around 11am EST our Mary Woolley will be moderating a discussion on audience engagement #NASinterface. Webcast here: http://bit.ly/KanWfN
Kei Koizumi – US spending on R&D = $450B 2/3 private, 1/3 public = no way tell budget for communicating about this #nasinterface
.@DLPFexplore supports .05% of the national research budget! role of philanthropy is important. #NASInterface
Kai Lee @PackardFoundation shout out to @COMPASSonline for their messaging, impact, and funding success #NASInterface
Kai Lee of @PackardFoundation “we are trying to increase the supply of scientists who are communicating” #NASinterface
.@DLPFexplore is trying to increase supply of scientists that want to communicate. @COMPASSonline tries to increase demand. #NASinterface
how we spend $ on #scicomm is really about ‘bang for the buck’, still haven’t heard what that BANG is. #NASinterface
Slobodin: Is comm funding central to institutional mission? My take: communication is THE ESSENCE of science #nasinterface
Alan Slobodin of House Energy and Commerce Committee discusses why and how investigating NIH #scicomm spending. #NASinterface
Amanda Stanley on difficulty of evaluating #scicomm: we are running uncontrolled experiments, so it’s hard. Stories are good. #NASInterface
Amanda Stanley #scicomm funding dilemma “you make the choice between doing versus knowing what your doing works” #priorities #nasinterface
Kai Lee – “Gag Order” in NGO and Academic world, don’t communicate things that hurt the development of your organization .#NASinterface
Kai Lee @PackardFoundation Interested in success but also minimizing success of anti #scicomm efforts. Interesting thought #NASInterface
panel at #NASinterface confirms that evaluation of #scicomm is thin. can’t tell if folks think this okay or not – thoughts?
Dennis Schatz of @NSF you need to know what failures are too. That seems like a hard argument to make with funders. #NASinterface
Dennis Schatz @NSF Important to fund risky efforts and to document failures #NASInterface
Schatz: “If every grant we fund is working, we’re not doing our job. That would mean we’re not pushing the envelop.” #NASinterface
Dennis Schatz @NSF @informalscience website is source of evidence of what is working- check out the evidence wiki #nasinterface
“If you don’t make mistakes, you are not trying hard enough” – David Packard #NASInterface
David Malakoff asserts that #scicomm largely happens bc of an agenda. and different ones. #NASInterface
Kei Koizumi sees specific science being communicated around agenda, but lacking comms around Science (not cap “S”). #scicomm #NASInterface
Amanda Stanley and Kai Lee – foundation world trying to bring balance to science conversations for issues they care about. #NASinterface
BIG difference btwn sci informing vs agendas looking for sci @COMPASSonline agrees my thoughts here http://bit.ly/KOyoeq #NASinterface
share your questions about funding #scicomm at #NASInterface, we’ll get ’em to the panel.
Incredible #scicomm discussion on funding/evaluation going on http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/ … Don’t miss it! #NASInterface
If $ concerns stop good #scicomm at federal agencies, how will that impact society and societal discussions about science? #NASinterface
Mary Woolley of @ResearchAmerica makes argument that #scicomm essential to scientific enterprise #NASinterface
.@MaryWoolleyRA challenges the funding panel: haven’t heard the words value or accountability.#NASinterface
.@MaryWoolleyRA is there necessity for scientists to explain the value their work. Shouldn’t there be accountability? #NASinterface
Mary Woolley of @ResearchAmerica asks if science communications is a key for accountability to public for science they fund. #NASinterface
Is science communication part of the accountability to the public for funding of scientists? Q from Mary @ResearchAmerica #nasinterface
Kei Koizumi: #scicomm is fundamental to science, should be part of all science funding. #nasinterface
#1 reason I value #scicomm the world is changing, sci knows a lot about how and why, needs to be at the table for smart living #NASinterface
Kei Koizumi of @whitehouseostp compares between funding comm. of agriculture research to farmers to #scicomm to public. #NASinterface
Kei Koizumi restates my favorite saying “if we don’t invest in #scicomm, we’re not maximizing our investment in sci. at all”#NASInterface
On Being a Scientist @NASciences: S&T are integral parts of society, scientists can’t be isolated from societal concerns. #NASinterface
Can or should #scicomm distinguish between “educate,” “inform,” and “advocate”? #nasinterface
.@RangerRik pushes us on Amanda Stanley’s point: is there a demand side of #scicomm? we haven’t shown it. #NASInterface
The *purpose* of #scicomm is not to increase funding of science. #NASinterface
#nasinterface Should audience demand drive #scicomm efforts? I think it’s a positive regardless
.@RangerRik brings up good point #scicomm Who is our audience and perhaps more importantly – is there an audience? #NASInterface
Kei Koizumi @whitehouseostp: “There’s a willingness to engage among our citizens. 2 way communication model instead of 1 way.” #NASinterface
E. Goldman #compassonline: chicken&egg prob: can we build infrastruc for #scicomm w/o data, or do we need data first? #nasinterface
Can you really comm. science without communicating who is doing it? There is a balance between the 2, not mutually exclusive. #NASinterface
Even PR efforts can be about educating the public and being transparent about the use of tax dollars. #NASInterface
“Is there a way that smaller foundations can work w/ federal agencies to build #scicomm infrastructure?” [I hope so!] #NASinterface
NIH comms funding ref by Slobodin #NASinterface avail at http://www.cancerletter.com/downloads/20130712_2/download …
Amanda S observes that NSF broader impacts roll not accompanied by infrastructure as compared to data management roll out #nasinterface
Amanda Stanley: @NSF Broader Impacts req = data sharing req w/o a data sharing platform. Can funders work together to fix it? #NASinterface
MT @drkeegansawyer: The @NASciences workshop is live on video. Please join us online via #NASinterface. http://bit.ly/1fjmKp9
If private funding is 2/3 of R&D funding, we need to know more (amount, goal, etc.) about private funding for #scicomm #nasinterface
.@NASciences wkshp on Sustainable Infrastructures for Life Science Communication is restarting w/ audience engagement. Join us #NASinterface
White board and post-it time! My favorite part of any meeting 🙂 #nasinterface
If u have enough $ for #scicomm, what top 3 things would u invest in? #NASinterface
.@brookesimler at #NASinterface asks us about what needs to be funded. Five minute break for silent toughs on video (sound is not broken!)
#NASInterface wants to know! What would you invest in, in the #scicomm infrastructure?
Maybe an @NASciences 1st: gold coins – what 3 things would u invest in for life science #scicomm? #nasinterface pic.twitter.com/7UHzAp3U2l
.@brookesimler asks, is it easy or hard to come up with only 3 top things u would invest in for life science #scicomm. #NASinterface
William Provine of DuPont – where are the industry scientists/professionals? Any watching online? #nasinterface
#NASInterface A propos of science communication; more scientists can tweet but you can’t make people read the tweets.
Lots of ideas from around the room! Fund research budgets, sci journalism programs, training programs w/ scioscicomm embedded #nasinterface
#NASInterface The greatest# of retweets I’ve had to date, e.g., was not for a science news story–it was for a dung beetle joke…
#NASInterface Moral–you can lead a horse fly to water but you can’t make her oviposit (I’m betting this one won’t be retweeted)…
I was lucky enough to teach a #scicomm course called “Public Understanding of Science” for Bioanth grad students. So valuable. #NASInterface
54% of 18-22yo undergrads in my #PhD2014 research don’t regularly engage w/ science-based media (TV, websites, blogs, print). #NASInterface
@drkeegansawyer It was a one-time survey of 486 students, conducted online. No longitudinal data, unfortunately. #NASInterface
MT @GonzalezIvanF fund mass media venues & have permanent pay position/fellowship 4 scientists #nasinterface
Ready to vote. My #nasinterface money. pic.twitter.com/yUicEjvFuS
funding themes: more training for #scicomm, boundary orgs to connect scientists, activities for scientist engage in K-12 #nasinterface
more funding themes: sci journalism, rebrand science, CSI for science, community dialogues with science #nasinterface
And 1 funding themes: reward systems for #scicomm #NASinterface
my top 3 #scicomm investments: 1) communications trainings, 2) more boundary orgs, and 3) $ prizes for scientist communicators #NASInterface
Re: #scicomm investments- Fund opps for scientists to do (& learn how to do) more public science (involve public in research) #NASInterface
1 person put all coins in 1 bucket: “Somebody has to fund it.” If u don’t know the landscape of what’s funded, how to ID gaps? #NASinterface
Starting the workshop discussions again.#NASinterface
22 people participated in the “where would u spend your dollars” exercise. Everyone had 10 coins. 1 coin = 10cents. #NASinterface
Top investment opportunity for #scicomm is (drum roll) comms training for scientists! received more than 2x votes than others #NASInterface
The runners up for #scicomm investments are boundary orgs and scientist engage in K-12 eduction at #NASinterface
are we really talking about sustainable R&D when we talk about sustainable #scicomm infrastructure? #NASinterface
Bill Provine from Dupont already invests in scientists as communicators, industry invests in people. #NASinterface
Bill Provine of Dupont – Begins that #scicomm in industry centers around “the right to operate”, how they benefit society #NASinterface
Bill Provine of Dupont – what industry looks for from #scicomm efforts is impact & partnership development across boundaries. #NASinterface
Bill Provine of DuPont “the more you can scale something, the more interesting it will be to industry,” #NASinterface
Amanda Stanley: Q- when deciding what 2 fund, what problem are u trying 2 solve? As a funder, she starts w/ problem statements #NASinterface
.@blew1000 raises good point. when talking about “boundary organizations” include sci societies that perform these functions #NASinterface
.@brookesimler top items that r’cvd most votes are what @COMPASSonline does, and it’s hard to fundraise for them. Scary #NASinterface
.@RangerRik A robust education system that creates demand for science & hence science communication is important. #NASinterface
Bill Provine notes difference btwn doing #scicomm for the greater good vs a specific goal. #NASInterface
.@Storksdieck of NAS: there is considerable effort to reform K-12 ed, so if choosing to invest in #scicomm, chose other areas #NASinterface
#scicomm should not be investing in K-12 BUT we need to recognize there is no audience development for science w/o it #NASinterface
Amanda Stanley: Foundations are issue driven. Will foundations, NGOs, industry, shift to science 1st is a big question #NASinterface
Andy Rosenberg @UCSUSA notes that people often assume the science process happens and is “fine”. #NASinterface
Definitely enjoying the actual round table discussion here at #NASinterface!
few foundations invest in science and #scicomm, they look to it when they need it. #NASInterface
.@Duncande asks everyone, where do we go from here? what are our marching orders? #NASinterface
.@ErikaShugart reminds us that culture change IS happening. we have moved past scientists being punished if the engage. #NASInterface
If you’re interested in #scicomm esp how it’s funded, be sure to watch the #NASinterface conversation. Livestream: http://bit.ly/JNH3Nb
.@ErikaShugart notes there are good culture changes happening. Urges us to have a #glasshalffull #scicomm outlook. #NASinterface
#NASinterface @ErikaShugart points out Deficit Model approach to #scicomm by communicators. Shouldn’t we be listening to our own advice?
.@ErikaShugart let’s appreciate we know a lot more (research) than we ever have. Now we need to figure out what to do w/ it. #NASInterface
@ErikaShugart NICE summary and ways forward. And optimism. thank you. #NASinterface
Andy Rosenberg of @UCSUSA notes cultural change in how scientists see themselves. Next gen scientists want 2 engage w/ society #NASinterface
Rosenberg: We shouldn’t assume the integrity of science in terms of being open, transparent, & special interest free #scicomm #NASinterface
Andrew Rosenberg @UCSUSA argues scientific process is at risk. But how to comm. process to public that can’t discern validity? #NASinterface
Rosenberg: Much info out there masquerades as science in #scicomm, and we should model sci process in determining credibility. #NASinterface
.@Duncande Good point. Contrarian views versus psedo-science gets blurred in social media. #NASInterface
.@brookesimler there are many #scicomm goals. But how do we distinguish b/w them to answer “where do we go from here?” #NASInterface
@brookesimler nails the problem with broad “#scicomm.” Motivations must be aligned with methods. #NASInterface
#NASInterface Do we want to build a ground-up or top-down infrastructure? Top-down might overwhelm currently successful local efforts
Rcvd via email: Good #scicomm in a crisis like WV H2O contamination is needed. Reporters discussing MSDS’s is not helpful. #NASinterface
Part 2 of email: Until better infrastructure 4 #scicomm in crisis like WV, it’s not serving the public to extent needed. #NASinterface
plug for @informalscience by @Storksdieck bc we need to better connected across a community to find a whole. #NASInterface
#NASInterface Agree with Storksdieck, but I think there’s lack of clarity in which objectives “Science of Scicomm” is intended to achieve.
Bill Provine – if there’s no concrete result where we place investment, the infrastructure we create will not be sustainable #NASInterface
.@goldmane emphasizes with investment in infrastructure need parallel investments in evaluation #NASInterface
@ErikaShugart refs 2002 conference http://www.bestpractices.nist.gov/practices.html at #NASinterface
.@adamfagen raises point that rank and file scientists are missing from this conversation.@MayBerenbaum @george_mage #NASInterface
Awesome point @GoodbyeShoe. Move away from “some shouldn’t communicate” to “communication is part of being a scientist”. #NASInterface
Kathryn Foxhall says, often the scientists who are not good communicators are best sources for information for reporters #NASInterface
@brookesimler @wmata as an example of infrastructure – as red line rider not sure I am buying her whole comparison #nasinterface
DC folks complain so much about metro. It doesn’t work perfectly. But I’m glad we have it. Beats walking. #NASInterface
.@brookesimler notes we need a little more clarity about what our goals are, but we agree on some infrastructure mechanisms. #NASInterface
.@brookesimler: DC Metro as analogy for sustainable infrastructure for #scicomm #NASInterface. (Some stations TBD) pic.twitter.com/5kRgbPIIGc
Thanks to everyone who joined us for today’s #NASInterface workshop on #scicomm!
thanks to @NASciences and everyone who joined our #NASInterface discussion today. inspiring, but lots to do! #scicomm
@tiffanylohwater i missed you in person today, but thanks for engaging via #NASinterface. See you in Chicago – good luck making it happen!
@JLVernonPhD Missed you in person today Jamie. Appreciated your engaging here, more on #NASInterface soon? Would love your take.
@brookesimler Hated to miss it. Was in & out due to heavy workload. Glad to see roundtable arriving at critical questions. #NASInterface
and @drkeegansawyer, thank YOU for making #NASinterface a reality. applause. applause.