What institutional barriers are keeping life scientists from communicating to the public about their work? #NASinterface
Sustainable Infrastructures for Life Science Communication: A Workshop. The National Academies invites you to join leaders from the life sciences community and from research organizations to explore the current landscape of public communication of the life sciences.
At @chadenglish: Typical of DC #scicomm circuit: Lots of tweeting going on at #NASInterface workshop. pic.twitter.com/CaH9Nw7Y4B
Public Interfaces of the Life Sciences
The National Academies invites you to join leaders from the life sciences community and from research organizations to explore the curren… -
next week at @NASciences, we’ll tackle friction and momentum to #scicomm. Join us in person or online! #NASinterface http://bit.ly/1276S1N
5 days until @NASciences infrastructure for life sciences #scicomm workshop. Join us Dec 9-10! #NASinterface http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/ …
Slides & readings for my Dec 9 @NASciences talk on #scicomm models & approaches http://bit.ly/18GSh1q #NASInterface
Will be tweeting tomorrow’s #NASinterface mtg. @dacolon will talk abt #scicomm & @CienciaPR http://bit.ly/1eZtfJw @moefeliu @GreetDiaz
This Monday! MT @chadenglish: Thrilled to be part of the panel for #NASinterface http://bit.ly/1cjCYqT
Great #scicomm suggested readings and videos for #NASinterface, including resources from latest #scioscicomm events http://bit.ly/1cjE1am
DC weather got you down, you still want to watch @NASciences #scicomm workshop tomorrow? watch online! #NASinterface http://bit.ly/1276S1N
@jackcschultz #NASinterface http://bit.ly/1276S1N looking forward to seeing you soon. hope you got some rest btwn our great meetings!
Monday MT @brookesimler: we’ll tackle friction and momentum to #scicomm. Join us in person or online! #NASinterface http://bit.ly/1cjDfdu
Updated readings & videos for @NASciences #scicomm workshop Dec 9-10. Participant suggested! Enjoy. #NASinterface http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/files/2013/11/Suggested-Readings-and-Viewings-updated.pdf …
TODAY’s forecast: @NASciences workshop, Sustainable Infrastructures for Life Science Communication. #NASinterface http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/ …
DELAY: @NASciences Sustainable Infrastructure for Life #scicomm workshop will begin at 9AM TODAY. Roads are icy. Travel safe. #NASinterface
Sustainable Infrastructures for Life Science Communication is getting started http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/roundtable/meetings-and-workshops/si/workshop-webcast/ … #nasinterface
At the NAS today for #NASinterface talking about sustainable infrastructures for life science communication
#nasinterface #scicomm the Valley of Death or infrastructure, @brookesimler talks about the gap between scince and the public
Is public engagement the “valley of death” of science? How to facilitate it? That’s topic today @ #NASInterface mtg! http://ow.ly/rApbj
#nasinterface Brooke Smith @COMPASSonline sets the stage: what supports scientists’ communication and what are challenges #scicomm
Kicking off #NASinterface meeting on how to develop and sustain infrastructures for #scicomm. Attendance hit by weather May Berenbaum webbed
Sustainable communication infrastructure is the long-term structures, policies & cultures that allow communication to occur. #NASinterface
Great that #scicomm is webcast. Missed some mid-transit due to weather, will some be archived?#NASinterface @NASciences @drkeegansawyer
Great set of suggested readings on #scicomm for #NASInterface mtg. http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/files/2013/11/Suggested-Readings-and-Viewings-updated.pdf … Recommend @dacolon‘s: http://chronicle.com/article/Found-in-Translation-A/138651/ …
After students organized outreach, the university funded it. @MayBerenbaum‘s notes about #scicomm #NASinterface
Looks for discussion today with @NASciences at #NASInterface, about how to make all the things that make #scicomm happen, more sustainable.
Entomophobes to entomophiles #NASinterface @MayBerenbaum great presentation on why insects deserve our respect and admiration. And loathing?
does broader impacts now encourage engagement? @MayBerenbaum says “in theory”, #scicomm #nasinterface
Missing @MayBerenbaum in person #nasinterface, but good hearing how she got involved with public outreach and insect film festival #scicomm
Hey y’all, follow #NASinterface today for good #scicomm convo, or watch webcast http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/roundtable/meetings-and-workshops/si/workshop-webcast/ …
Recognizing public engagement in faculty promotion policies is necessary. U’s need to lead the way #scicomm #NASinterface
#NASinterface May Berenbaum complains re criticism by NSF reviewers’ of her BI plan in recent proposal. We need more of that. #GradSciComm
Many science engagement & #citizensci projects are run on “altruism” (e.g. http://beespotter.mste.illinois.edu ) How to make sustainable? #nasinterface
Here’s a strategy for boosting @MayBerenbaum‘s NSF broader impact score & building #NASInterface infrastructure http://bit.ly/1bsHOBE
.@MayBerenbaum mentions that UIUC promotion reqs include public engagement. Potential model for other unis? #NASinterface #scicomm
it’s still challenging, but support for #scicomm has come a long way, @MayBerenbaum observes, #NASInterface
.@MayBerenbaum shares her experiences using fear festivals, citizen science, social media, teaching, and more! #scicomm #NASinterface
science communication can be motivated by self interest, and that’s okay, says @Duncande at #NASinterface
Kicking off a convo about #scicomm, led by @Duncande, including Nalini Nadkarni, @DrCraigMc and @dacolon #nasinterface
Why should scientists get involved in #scicomm? “Naked self-interest” Funny but very true! #nasinterface
Join the Live Webcast now! Sustainable Infrastructures for Life Science Communication: A Workshop: http://nas-sites.org/publicinterfaces/roundtable/meetings-and-workshops/si/workshop-webcast/ … #NASinterface
Love Treetop Barbie mentioned by Nadkarni & talking about being a “brown girl” in science! #nasinterface http://bit.ly/1kss0DH
X-mas present for my daughter-Tree Top Barbie http://academic.evergreen.edu/n/nadkarnn/outreach/barbie.html … #nasinterface
Start where your audience is, @nalininadkarni makes “treetop Barbie” to motivate girls to be interested in forest ecology #NASinterface
“You don’t need sharp tools to grow mosses.” Nadkarni about doing science in prisons. #nasinterface http://bit.ly/1kss0DH
@nalininadkarni anecdotes about why she does public outreach have a lot of social activism elements #nasinterface #scicomm
do you have to be a senior scientist to do science outreach? @nalininadkarni indicates she may have needed to be? #nasinterface
“As a yng scientist, spent most time establishing my science. As sr scientist, can use my academic cache to expand #scicomm.” #NASinterface
Becoming friends with media good thing for scientists; not one-way street: Wise words from @nalininadkarni #nasinterface
Nalini Nadkarni talked abt motivations to do #scicomm @ diff stages of a scientists’ career #NASinterface
Nadkarni says @brookesimler “valley of death” could be “mountaintop to understand life” with 2-way #scicomm everyone gains. #NASinterface
For @dacolon lack of #scicomm in native #PuertoRico was the motivation to get involved & found @CienciaPR #NASinterface
Need right examples, put in cultural context, to communicate science: Spot-on advice from Colón Ramos #nasinterface
.@CienciaPR connect scientists w the public & facilitates #scicomm and outreach initiatives #NASinterface
Over 390 articles + >200 podcasts authored by scientists have been published by @CienciaPR #NASinterface
#NASinterface Question: Have any of you ever gotten into trouble for what you’re doing? #scicomm
@DrCraigMc‘s term “Nerd of Trust” relevant given Susan Fiske’s research showing scientists may be respected but not trusted. #nasinterface
While hired as a basic researcher, @dacolon assumes that if he communicates, he will be more valuable. possible bc at yale? #NASInterface
GSA is participating in a @NASciences workshop on communications in the life sciences #nasinterface
Scientists are innate communicators. Question is who they are communicating to. We can expand skills we already have @dacolon #NASinterface
YES!!! #nasinterface “If I pick up windsurfing, skydiving or science communication, it’s the same for me.” #scicomm
.@dacolon: Science communication helps public but also helps retain junior scientists, especially minorities. #nasinterface
CAISE Advisor @nalininadkarni speaking now on both values & “dangers” of spending lots of time on public engagement #NASinterface
.@nalininadkarni: Be informed of value & dangers of communicating science #nasinterface
#nasinterface Scientists are being told to focus on broader impacts. Those who discourage #scicomm are sending competing messages.
scientists getting mixed messages – do your research AND pay attn to broader impacts, from @nalininadkarni – makes it hard. #NASinterface
Do it because it’s important to me, my field, and scientific enterprise: @nalininadkarni on value of science communication. #nasinterface
good plug for @informalscience from @nalininadkarni – access to tips about how to communicate. #NASinterface
Looking forward to reading tweets from #NASInterface. So sad to be missing it! #scicomm
.@nalininadkarni: Not only scientists want to communicate research–educators too: http://informalscience.org/about/informal-science-education/stem-based-professionals … How can we partner? #NASinterface
#NASinterface Scientist-communicators here are very successful, excellent communicators. Did that help avoid barriers, or were they lucky?
Are there barriers to scientists engaging in science communications? #scicomm #nasinterface
#nasinterface Q: What is your audience?
#scicomm “heroes” don’t face stiff resistance. But what about scientists who aren’t as motivated? How do we get them involved? #nasinterface
Is there a most important audience you target for #scicomm? @DrCraigMc just communicates and let the audience come. Hmmm…#NASinterface
@jackcschultz Others visit schools, give talks, interviews, or just make their profiles open to public (diverse faces) #NASinterface (2/2)
@Sefini BTW what I’ll say here at #NASinterface will be very similar to what I said at #GradSciComm.
@brookesimler I should be clearer that our target is adults who are interested in the ocean #nasinterface
@brookesimler very hard to be more specific with that online because audiences can shift quickly #nasinterface
#NASinterface Question: are you finding it useful or essential to go around press, direct to public audiences?
.#nasinterface @dacolon: Most terrifying speech I’ve ever given was at #AAASmeeting family day mostly kids 7-12 years old.
I wonder if when scientists describe their audience as the “general public” they mean “science-interested, engaged adults” #nasinterface
.@dacolon -Talking to public (esp. 8 yr old kids) keeps you honest! Makes you focus on big picture. Always good for research #NASinterface
On being useful/essential to go around press, @nalininadkarni says the passion sometimes need to go deeper for the audiencd. #NASinterface
Making science relevant to the experiences of your audience is one of the most powerful communication tools for scientists. #NASinterface
thanks @nalininadkarni, @COMPASSonline and @LeopoldLP are invaluable resources to help scientists communicate. #NASinterface
Helpful to connect scientists to reach out to groups they can connect with @nalininadkarni #NASinterface
“The more precise you get, the less relevant you get” @dacolon. Key struggle for science communicators. #NASinterface
Nadkarni says Matching scientists to audiences with which they empathize is 1 approach to scientists doing #scicomm #nasinterface
Q at #NASinterface: What if you had institution-wide support for doing broader impacts/#scicomm? Key individuals to coordinate that work?
@ErikaShugart @BenLillie My guess is they don’t INTEND that to be target, but that is what they generally get. #nasinterface
“STEMed centers @university‘s help aggregate & increase impact of #sciox” Would add prof.societies & orgs like @CienciaPR #NASinterface
great idea @ivan_amato: feature scientists’ #scicomm stories in high profile places: shows what it takes and what you get #NASinterface
Why not connect the best scientists with the best in science communication? @dacolon #NASinterface
@dacolon challenges us to think about ways to use social media to connect scientists with experts in science communication #nasinterface
music to your ears, @scheufele? @dacolon asks can we pair basic researchers with people that study science communications? #NASinterface
At National Academies for #NASinterface to discuss how to create sustainable infrastructures for scicomm.
.@CienciaPR has created links btw scientists & sci communicators to help them engage w the public: Decreases barriers #NASinterface
@McClurePhD Agreed–hoping that #NASinterface conversations touch on what some of those incentives might be.
.@dacolon mentions & was winner of #AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement w Science #NASinterface http://www.aaas.org/page/aaas-early-career-award-public-engagement-science-and-technology …
#NASInterface Note to Daniel Colon-Ramos: research criticized by Sarah Palin was on Dacus oleae, the olive fruit fly, not Drosophila
#NASInterface Dacus oleae is major CA olive pest; Sarag Palin didn’t know there are many fruitflies when she criticized govt research
What barriers exist within #scicomm? Watch @NASciences wkshp today & tmrw: http://ow.ly/rAz5o & ask questions: #NASinterface
I think it’s time to lay to rest the myth of being ostracized by peers for scientists doing scicomm. Sea change noted at #NASinterface
Excited to hear @USDA_NIFA director, Sonny Ramaswamy, discuss how extension can facilitate science communication. #NASinterface
@blew1000 starts of the next panel with a census of scientific ties being worn by audience. #nasinterface
Bottom line of first #NASinterface panel is passionate scientist-communicators succeed. Do we want to incentivize non-passionate scientists?
do young scientists have to wait until they do their science for a while before they can communicate it? #NASinterface
.@RangerRik are the non-passionate scientists? And how many? Do #scicomm disincentives dampen passion to communicate? #nasinterface
91% of life scientists at Cornell a few years ago, participated in public engagement – from @blew1000 #NASinterface
Called for exactly that here http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/08/08/1213275110.full.pdf+html … MT @brookesimler:@dacolon can we pair scientists w/ #scicomm researchers? #NASinterface
the concept of “my day job” is coming up quite a bit here today, observes @blew1000 #NASinterface
Hear, hear! MT @RangerRik It’s time to lay to rest the myth of being ostracized by peers for scientists doing scicomm. #NASinterface
Ramaswamy is right: Scientists & science need more prominence in mass media, not in Science & Nature. #NASinterface
Sonny Ramaswamy: A lot of the work we’ve been doing is shrouded in secrecy. We’ve got to figure out a way to better share. #nasinterface
.@USDA_NIFA director: we’re unable to frame what we do in science in a way that avg person can understand #NASinterface
Are journals where scientists communicators should be profiled @Sonny_NIFA? not for public but can help with science culture #NASinterface
Sonny Ramaswamy of @USDA_NIFA encourages us make sure we are not caught in an echo-chamber, but reach out widely #nasinterface
love this from @Sonny_NIFA, #scicomm not an afterthought, comms expertise should be at the table during research inception. #NASinterface
.@Sonny_NIFA notes we put college basketball players on pedestals but not the scientists handling CAFOs & pig poop #NASinterface
.@USDA_NIFA director Ramaswamy: Biggest #NASinterface challenge: inability to frame research in a way that’s accessible to ‘average’ person
Need to communicate ROI of science to public: @USDA_NIFA ‘s Ramaswamy. #NASinterface
i want to talk to @Sonny_NIFA for hours. so agree on points like why are comms people the 1st to go, they should be the last. #NASinterface
.@USDA_NIFA director Ramaswamy points out comparative lack of spending on #scicomm vs. commercial interest. Heard at Sackler 2 #NASinterface
.@USDA_NIFA director: is (land-grant) extension a model for life sciences communication? #NASinterface
From @Sonny_NIFA: Avg. American consumes 34 Gigabytes of info each day. How does #scicomm compete? #NASinterface http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/09/the-american-diet-34-gigabytes-a-day/?_r=0 …
@USDA_NIFA director: extension has role to engage and education in all counties in USA #NASinterface
Engage. Transform. Translate. great tenants for #scicomm, these are underpinnings of Extension, from @Sonny_NIFA. #NASinterface
Mission of extension: engage, translate & transform. Bring scientific knowledge to the community. Great model for #SciComm. #NASinterface
YES! MT @brookesimler love this from @Sonny_NIFA, #scicomm expertise should be at the table during research inception. #NASinterface
Until @USDA_NIFA Ramaswany invoked flies and smells,never thought much about animal feeding http://www.epa.gov/Region7/water/cafo/index.htm … #nasinterface
.@Sonny_NIFA walks us through 140years of #scicomm tools used by cooperative extension. Why is this not more widely known!? #NASinterface
#NASInterface from magic lanterns to moodle, history of extension comm Sonny Ramaswamy
History of extension communication goes from demo farms in 1880’s to Moodles in 2010s #nasinterface
From farmer field schools of the 1870’s to modern day MOOCs @Sonny_NIFA gives history of extension efforts. #NASinterface
Need to make sure knowledge being delivered has impact: Again, wise words from @USDA_NIFA ‘s Ramaswamy #NASinterface
Just because you’re communicating doesn’t mean you’re having an impact. Have to include evaluation in #SciComm. #NASinterface
http://ow.ly/i/3YbKW history of extension communication slide from #NASInterface
@Sonny_NIFA #NASinterface makes case for ag extension as model for scicomm. Trained cadre of communicators. Scalable? Effective?
.@RobbyBowles IMO, it’s incumbent on #scicomm pioneers to demonstrate a ROI on these efforts to motivate others. #NASinterface
@Sonny_NIFA #NASinterface: trust in ag extension agent critical to comms success. Does science generally have that tust or relationship?
.@Sonny_NIFA “you can have the greatest Nobel laureate and it means nothing” without trust. So true. #NASinterface
Sonny Ramaswamy slide on evidence-based science communication is great overview. #nasinterface #scicomm pic.twitter.com/2DawJ2Xcjo
“We are trying to make a sales pitch, and we must be trusted to be effective.” What’s the value proposition? @Sonny_NIFA #NASinterface
Twitter brought about serious changes in Egypt and other place but in science, a tweet has not made a difference: Ramaswamy #nasinterface
.@USDA_NIFA director: is there an example in science on where Twitter has made a difference? #NASinterface
“I don’t see where a tweet has made the difference for science” @Sonny_NIFA, #NASinterface
Can anyone respond to this? @Sonny_NIFA: I can’t think of a single Tweet that has had an impact on science. #NASinterface #scicomm
can extension be a model for life science engagement? @Sonny_NIFA says yes.#NASinterface
Sonny made the case for extension of model of science of communication #nasinterface
Censorship as a barrier. @KathF points out that journalists used to be able to walk agencies halls, but no longer can. #NASinterface
.@KathF : journalists often can’t talk to government scientists without PR gatekeepers #NASinterface
sobering perspective from @KathF about restrictions keeping govt officials from really sharing – huge barrier for scientists. #NASinterface
@KathF discussing barrier to communication by government scientists by PIOs #nasinterface
.@RobbyBowles Measure of success will be critical. What’s value prop to public? But also, what’s value prop to scientists? #NASinterface
more on what @KathF is sharing w/ us here at #NASInterface on censorship as a #scicomm barrier http://bit.ly/1gSWAqi
.@KathF estimates that education/engagement of journalists by federal scientists is down 90% due to public affairs offices #NASinterface
“yes, people free to report might get it wrong…but the official story is not the whole story”, barrier from @KathF #NASinterface
.@KathF throwing gauntlet on censorship of federal scientists. There should be “gushing rivers” of info flowing from govt. #NASinterface
“free speech is the great inducer of accuracy” from @KathF at #NASinterface
Kathryn Foxhall is delivering an indictment of censorship by journalist minders in federal science agencies #NASinterface
.@KathF calls existing PR barriers to federal scientists “toxic” to public health and good and “surveillance” of free speach #NASinterface
MT @Duncande: Kathryn Foxhall delivering indictment of censorship by federal science agencies #NASinterface And is READING it! Communicator?
Amen to that. @brookesimler
“free speech is the great inducer of accuracy” from @KathF at #NASinterface -
.@KathF– silencing policies are at universities too not just the federal government. #NASinterface
.@KathF To federal agencies: “Be there for reporters to get the official story.” #NASinterface
If a reporter does get it wrong – let them know! they get very few responsible responses from @KathF #NASinterface
During break, @RangerRik tells us that DC Science Writers was founded in response to @KathF‘s story about HIV reporting #nasinterface
Back after a lunch break for more on frictions and momentum in science communication #nasinterface
We’ve come a long way – just heard speaker say that decades ago “Public engagement was considered a distraction from our work” #NASinterface
Underlying question for #NASinterface: is there an unserved audience for scicomm? Is it attentive?
.@philneed‘s paraphase of henry kissinger about why academic meetings are too intense “stakes are too small” mtgs = barrier. #nasinterface
.@RobbyBowles I believe we are in the process of capturing those metrics. May be too soon. Risk takers will lead the way. #nasinterface
Brown bag lunches & journal clubs worked great to show scientists how to communicate and think on their feet: Needleman #nasinterface
Barriers to public comm of scicomm #NASinterface moot if no interested public to communicate to. Have we satisfied current interest?
Phil Needlman, Barrier to #scicomm 4 industrial research – you must develop intellectual property in secret to be competitive #NASinterface
“In God we trust, all else bring data” from @philneed at #NASinterface
Agreed – many are making engagement a priority, but plenty are still strongly discouraged @jackcschultz #NASinterface
.@RobbyBowles And BTW, in a risk taking environment, there’ll be casualties. But, it takes a culture of failure to innovate. #nasinterface
@chadenglish Many many don’t understand the value. That’s changing bco socioeconomic pressures. #NASinterface
#NASinterface P. Needlman now talking about communicating science via community centers–can allow reach to wide, underserved audience(s).
Slides & readings for my @NASciences talk on #scicomm models & approaches at 315pm today http://bit.ly/18GSh1q #NASInterface #gradscicomm
Diane Harley’s research on academic promotion: online print is heavily consumed, but promotion based on print publication. #NASinterface
Diane Hartley is speaking on what is valued in academic reputation = peer-reviewed archival publications #nasinterface
Diane Harley’s research confirms “Peer Review is the Coin of the Realm”, is there flexibility? #NASinterface
@jackcschultz @RangerRik Right. Maybe we can learn from them (but maintain integrity of message). How should b question for #NASinterface
More information on Diane Haley’s Scholarly Communication work – http://cshe.berkeley.edu/research/scholarlycommunication/index.htm … #nasinterface #scicomm
#nasinterface Scis value pubs. BUT no one became a scientist b/c they wanted to publish in Nature. Need to unearth that original motivation
“making a name for oneself” is part of academic promotion. This is traditional peer review (Harley) Can it also be engagement? #NASinterface
Policymakers yes (but not in a simple way, and hard to unlock). Would journalists would see it as a conflict? @RangerRik #NASinterface
Awesome! MT @GoodbyeShoe: #nasinterface Scis value pubs. BUT no one became a scientist b/c they wanted to publish in Nature.
Typical of DC #scicomm circuit: Lots of multi-tasking going on at #NASInterface workshop. pic.twitter.com/f21r0zOiKo
Harley’s talk brings evidence to discussion about the culture of science around public outreach #nasinterface
At #NASinterface how to reconcile science journo in freefall with posited but unproven (IMHO) public interest in scicomm?
@jackcschultz @Sefini @RangerRik Sackler talks here: http://bit.ly/1cwE4Dd It covered some of the same ground. #nasinterface
Harley: Wide definition of “public engagement”–partnering w/ industry, K-12, MOOCs, etc. #NASinterface Do researchers see ISE as option?
@brossardd speaking on scientists interaction with mass media staring global, then will drill down to U.S. #nasinterface
.@brossardd: from 2005 study of biomedical scientists, 69% had some recent engagement w/journalists #NASinterface
From @brossardd: scientists and journalist interact more than thought (and felt it was positive) #NASinterface pic.twitter.com/xgOt2NoyuB
.@brossardd : impact on careers of scientists’ interactions w/journalists was generally positive and helpful for career #nasinterface
Thanks to all who are tweeting from #nasinterface!
Variables that contribute to scientists interaction with media = status, training, self-efficacy and intrinsic reward #nasinterface #scicomm
@brossardd pointing out that her 6 year old data about mass media interactions are dated due to the rise of social media #nasinterface
No gender diff in data by Broussard at #NASinterface on how and why scientists engage w traditional media. Surprising.
How much do scientists use social media? @brossardd has (preliminary) data #NASinterface pic.twitter.com/RXI07d3BDY
@brossardd find 18% of scientists have blogged at UW, which is mcu higher than the 1% creator expected by Jakob Nielsen #nasinterface
In good way @RangerRik: No gender diff in data by @brossardd at #NASinterface on how/why scientists engage w traditional media. Surprising.
@GeneticsGSA Would love to hear more about this if you can. One main blog? How did Madison get this level of engagement? etc. #NASinterface
.@brossard answers @Sonny_NIFA about what good does it do to tweet?in citations and increased intrxns with reporters! #NASInterface
@brossardd finding that 18% of UW scientists have blogged much higher than the 1% of creators expected by Jakob Neilson #NASInterface
DATA! @brossardd presents data that scientists interacting on Twitter DOES increase impact. #NASinterface
.@brossardd: interaction of scientists w/reporters and mention of research on twitter associated with higher h-index #NASinterface
@brossard we need more data, especiaaly with advent of social media #NASInterface
It’s no longer IF scientists should engage in social media, but HOW to do it effectively – @brossardd #NASinterface
our @COMPASSonline experience in line w/ @Sonny_NIFA: engaging comms people at research inception helps ask right questions. #NASinterface
@JLVernonPhD @brossardd Related Twitter study from researchers at UMontreal http://bit.ly/1hIG92D @wraillantclark #nasinterface
#NASinterface FINALLY some data from Brossard showing positive relationship between H-value and Twitter use.
@jackcschultz @chadenglish @brossardd @concaff yup. Harley and Brossard both demonstrated there’s still LOTS of variability #NASinterface