#PCST2014 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference
13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST 2014)
5-8 May, Salvador, Bahia
Preliminary PROGRAMME – PCST 2014Click here to download the full
programme of PCST 2014 Conference. -
The sun is setting on the preconference. #PCST2014 starts tomorrow! http://www.pcst-2014.org/images/programme_13thpcst.pdf … pic.twitter.com/M4JdPaxoJN
Cultural proximity is key to motivating or alienating scientific vocations, especially for women and girls http://latinamericanscience.org/2013/12/accelerating-science-in-latin-america … #PCST2014
Check out “How to make particle physics relevant in #LatAm” by @JaSantaolalla and I @ #WSF2013 http://latinamericanscience.org/2013/12/accelerating-science-in-latin-america … @efpolcuch #PCST2014
.@UW_LSC prof and chair @brossardd gives keynote speech on science and social media at @PCST2014 http://www.pcst-2014.org/index.php/en/ #PCST2014 #scicomm
And here’s a reminder to those who want to take part in our collaborative coverage of #PCST2014: http://www.pcst-2014.org/index.php/en/news/9-ingles/latest-news/133-invites … Join us!
Ideal conference warmup: good company, great food and a breathtaking morning run along the coast. #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/5gF76VdANm
Bom dia Salvador! I am ready for the amazing @PCST2014 Conference #PCST2014 #scicomm http://www.pcst-2014.org/index.php/en/programme … pic.twitter.com/w16eFx9EYi
Daqui a pouquinho tem abertura do #pcst2014 no streamming http://softwarelivre.org/pcstbr/stream
#pcst2014 Quais são as questões emergentes do campo da comunicação científica e por que é importante se conectar? http://goo.gl/czMqwu
Let’s the #PCST2014 conference starts right now! @ Farol da Barra http://instagram.com/p/np81aFRLqt/
Opening session of #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/UTZMkhk7Uo
#PCST2014 for The first time in Latinamerika and VA (Public & Science) is here… http://instagram.com/p/np9oVuCWOV/
Wherever you are you follow #PCST2014 online http://softwarelivre.org/pcstbr/blog?month=5&year=2014 …
#pcst2014 #Science #Communication for #socialinclusion and #PoliticalEngagement @ Pestana Bahia Hotel http://instagram.com/p/np-YdjCWPO/
The team organizing #PCST2014 at Brazil has been working 4 years to bring the conference here – like the World Cup! pic.twitter.com/6TzlfEEbmb
#PCST2014 (science communication) conference in Salvador, Brazil – first time the conference is in… http://instagram.com/p/np-jeTHwsg/
#PCST2014 live coverage of plenaries for those who can’t come via social media (@wendyjsadler) http://www.pcst-2014.org/index.php/en/news/9-ingles/latest-news/133-invites …
.@efpolcuch Gender parity is a nice ideal (and scicomm has interesting demographics), but given pervasive & systematic… #PCST2014
Luisa Massarani remembers Duncan Dallas, founder of cafe scientifique in the UK #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/hvEOvPJUT2
.@efpolcuch (2/2) …overrepresentation of white, Anglo men in academia, I’m thrilled to be in the minority. #PCST2014 #sci4socialinclusion
#PCST2014 #Science #technologie #communication 1re fois en Am. Latine , #Brésil…, #engagement #politique à suivre: http://softwarelivre.org/pcstbr/stream
Pestana hotel packed at site opening of the #PCST2014. Beautiful view! pic.twitter.com/gABZk9N3xM
“@chiara_ceci: Luisa Massarani remembers Duncan Dallas, founder of #sciencecafe in the UK #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/yaToU4BsyN”
@Science_and_you 500! It feels like 2k ppl. What an energy. Maracana in the world cup final will be nothing compared #pcst2014
PCST Network President Toss Gascoigne welcomes over 500 attendees “Obrigado Brasil” #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/HAfRmz3zNx
PCST president Toss Gascoigne is opening the #PCST2014 conference, the 1st one in the Latin America!… http://instagram.com/p/nqAxXbRLv1/
Great to be in #PCST2014 !! Ready to enjoy the food,the drinks,the music and the people of Salvador as T.Zambon said! pic.twitter.com/e8iliyoVlk
PCST president Toss Gascoigne welcoming #PCST2014 participants pic.twitter.com/xNKBbTWYjQ
#PCST2014 Histoire de PCST ‘La #communication #scientifique publique’ 1er meeting PCST #poitiers #France il y a 25 ans…
Social media in science communication workshop @efpolcuch #PCST2014ws #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/JUMioft243
Toss Gascoigne makes jokes with the audience. “Do not present 42 ppt slides if you have only 10 minutes”. #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/r2JKBmVU70
There is no age limit to participate to the #PCST2014! @ Pestana Bahia Hotel http://instagram.com/p/nqBub_xLhI/
“@kenskeldon: PCST network encouraging membership, from $15 for two years, check out website. #pcst2014” http://www.pcst.co
All meetings should open with such smooth tunes. Welcome to Brazil! #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/S4cGeXWhFM
Music of course for opening of #PCST2014 but no samba dancing yet! pic.twitter.com/yBHpSEVXw6
A little taste of Brazilian music at the opening of #PCST2014! pic.twitter.com/nqFQsUaE8H
Opening of #PCST2014 with music! Of course, we’re in Brazil! pic.twitter.com/OgTSF90nU1
#Keepcalm and perform in biggest science com conference in the world #tbvt #pcst2014 @CSICdivulga @materia_ciencia pic.twitter.com/JaRT2z8qGq
Don’t think I ever had a musical opening at a scientific conference before 🙂 but this is the way to go #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/quoOEg5GEh
Why not a little bit of music? #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/51kOdI52Ec
Hermosa música para inaugurar #pcst2014 @ Pestana Bahia Hotel http://instagram.com/p/nqDHhVzVzS/
After listening to the music I’m totally hooked to Brazil now 🙂 #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/05TtyR9e2V
Que alienación de lujo para el #pcst2014, ni el @realmadrid de la quinta del buitre @TheBigVanTheory y @efpolcuch pic.twitter.com/aLfzXya1Ws
tá rolando o stream do #pcst2014 http://softwarelivre.org/pcstbr/stream tão vendo? tá bom?
Bahia music to open the #pcst2014 conference http://instagram.com/p/nqDjXFqRjx/
…and the Brazilian music is everywhere here, includinc #PCST2014 opening conference! @ Salvador de… http://instagram.com/p/nqDmEnxLjN/
Boa música brasileira na abertura oficial do @PCST2014 #VivaoBrasil #Salvador #Bahia #PCST2014 http://instagram.com/p/nqDv3fCAH1/
Best conference opening ever #pcst2014 http://instagram.com/p/nqD3PCqRkJ/
Comenzando el #pcst2014 con buena música XD pic.twitter.com/LfD4pjdxnq
@chiara_ceci weirdest gig they’ve ever played? #PCST2014
Hear hear! MT: @brossardd: Looking forward to giving keynote speech on Science & Social Media @PCST2014 with @MohammedY! #PCST2014 #scicomm
Bit of Brazilian science theatre to follow music at #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/qMhrWBZZry
Lekker muziekje tijdens opening #PCST2014, zodat we niet vergeten dat we in Brazilië zijn. Tof. pic.twitter.com/aW9FxIDfHk
#PCST2014 theatre continue pic.twitter.com/2BYrcFA4LY
Presentes en el #pcst2014 que se realiza por primera vez en Latinoamérica. pic.twitter.com/vn6m4R4M9p
A marriage of heritage, science and music in Salvador 🙂 #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/GXiQUeBsXw
Official twitter hashtage #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/pyqlSEIeOX
Audience at #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/hjOdsrWbDR
Toss Gascoigne inaugurando el congreso de la red PCST 2014 #pcst2014 @ Pestana Bahia Hotel http://instagram.com/p/nqFlVUgpNj/
More amazing performances after the samba for the opening of #pcst2014 http://instagram.com/p/nqFmMHKRmK/
‘If you have 9 minutes to speak, don’t prepare 42 slides.’ #welcomesspeech #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/03OhFnZyM1
#PCST2014 Inclusión social y divulgación científica. Porque las leyes de Newton son iguales para tod@s pic.twitter.com/kYIBffXVd5
#PCST2014 opening ceremony pic.twitter.com/TrWEXkqIGY
Es posible seguir por streaming el #PCST2014 http://softwarelivre.org/pcstbr/stream cc @cecidiprinzio @fabibiotec
Art and music in the oppening session of #pcst2014 http://instagram.com/p/nqGHLdRxz2/
Art and music in the oppening session of #pcst2014 http://instagram.com/p/nqGHLdRxz2/
#PCST2014 claudia hablando en castellano. Bravo. @TheBigVanTheory quiere ir a #medellin. #soloLoDejoCaer @ParqueExplora
Claudia Aguirre talks about her experience in the science museum Parque Explora in Mendellín, Colombia #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/b9F2nv1qCQ
First speaker is Claudia Aguirre from Medellín, “education and culture are the ways to boost the city” #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/t6FWsjO2ua
Empezamos #PCST2014 en Salvador! http://instagram.com/p/nqGS3Br_Sk/
#pcst2014 you can read about Claudia Aguirre’s great project in the new issue of Jcom out today: http://jcom.sissa.it
Genial proyecto @ParqueExplora nacido literalmente de la basura.El poder de la ciencia y la cultura quedan patentes en Medellín. #PCST2014
#PCST2014 more infos about C. Aguirre work in #Medellin #Colombia : http://www.parqueexplora.org @ParqueExplora
In #pcst2014 four language translations. This is how international conference should be done. pic.twitter.com/CfXCmUwZKo
@ParqueExplora #PCST2014 #ParqueExplora bel exemple d’appropriation de la science & de la technologie dans un pays du Sud #Colombia #dvlpt
Las personas se interesan por lo científico cuando se conecta con su vida real. Claudia Aguirre @ParqueExplora #pcst2014
Speaking now Elizabeth Rasekoala, Executive director of African-Caribbean Network for Science & Technology #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/RVReWZNyyG
La Dra. Liz Rasekoala, de Sudáfrica, hablando sobre inclusión social en ciencia y tecnología. @ #PCST2014 http://instagram.com/p/nqHO1_gpPg/
#pcst2014 @ParqueExplora-great example-working w/community to base redevelopment on their input #environmentalactivism #citizenscience
Elizabeth Rasekoala en el #pcst2014 pic.twitter.com/kdZzkPlQIc
#PCST2014 Elizabeth Rasekoala need to get science out of ivory tower. Someone like me is a chemical engineer. pic.twitter.com/bKUbSuBZEf
Great beginning of Liz Rasekoala about science communicationg for social inclusion #PCST2014 Rock!!! pic.twitter.com/lq009KKLhm
Liz Rasekola: “every black young girl in the world needs to know a chemical engineer looks like me” #PCST2014 great!! pic.twitter.com/bhLsfq1hSN
Liz Rasekola: “every black young girl in the world needs to know a chemical engineer looks like me” #PCST2014 great!! pic.twitter.com/bhLsfq1hSN
Science “is pale, is male” but look at her: she is a Chemical Engineer, she is a #realscientist #diversity #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/GcqSWiphCx
¡Atención! Maratón de la divulgación científica en #PCST2014 Lo puedes seguir en directo ahora http://softwarelivre.org/pcstbr/stream #DivulgaCiencia
#PCST2014 politician involved within community&tech.Complex of the meaning of science with political demanding! pic.twitter.com/zumbrIj8CE
This is what a chemical engineer looks like says Elizabeth Rasekoala! #PCST2014 #socialinclusion pic.twitter.com/iHIjCoc543
Dr. Liz Rasekoala says we need social inclusion in science… I’m in love with her… #pcst2014 #womeninscience pic.twitter.com/08RPR02SPp
This is the first time I see so many female faces at a conference – this is something #LatinAmerica can change. Dr. Liz Rasekoala #PCST2014
@JenniMet @HFeatherstone #PCST2014 classic claim: ‘see the impact on the face, This is empowerment’-impact evidence? pic.twitter.com/0jLAVFzOJr
Liz Rasekoala just got up and delivered a rousing speech for gender and racial equality #PCST2014 #inspiring
Elizabeth Rasekoala from ACNST now speaking #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/Gx3hHAKu7g
Elizabeth Rasekoala inspiring women. Parents tell your daughters, yes you can #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/txbUC8zv1y
Allready the best quote of today: ‘I give all the tribute to my parents.’ #elizabethrasekoala #impressive #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/qsipwqeClK
Elizabeth Rasekoala gives a thumbs up for @SciDevNet at #pcst2014: ‘Guys, I’m on your side’
@DCUScienceComm …and then Liz shows how this is changing #PCST2014 2014
“As long #academia sits in #ivorytowers it Will be pale, Male and go on like that for ever!” #pcst2014… http://instagram.com/p/nqImW5CWK1/
Alfredo Wagner, Universidad Federal del Amazonas en el #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/htiRfNjdov
Liz Rasekoala has moved the audience with a direct,warm and important speech.Thanks, Liz!! #womeninscience #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/HR0sSwB49d
This is how a chemichal engineer looks like! #PCST2014 pic.twitter.com/ZgPFely70W