Latino health conference and launch of Latino Center For Health #latinohealth
Latino Health Research, Practice, and Policy: Identifying Our Strengths and Growing Our Collaborations. University of Washington Medicine, South Lake Union Campus, Seattle, WA
Latino Center For Health | Engaging Latino Communities© Copyright 2014 Latino Center For Health | All Rights Reserved
Excited for tomorrow’s #LatinoHealth Conference and the launch of the @UW Latino Center for Health http://www.grouphealthresearch.org/news-and-events/events/latino-health/Latino-Health-Conference-Agenda-2014.pdf … #NMHM14 #latism
Register today for the Latino Health Conference 5/30 & 5/31 in Santa Clara! http://ow.ly/voX9d #LatinoHealth #healthcare
See you tomorrow #LatinoHealth
“Latino Health Research, Practice, & Policy: Identifying Our Strengths & Growing Our Collaborations” April 17-18 #Seattle #LatinoHealth
MT @NCLR: With Obesity Rates in Decline, It’s Time Reduce Risk for Latinos http://bit.ly/1emE4nP #NMHM14 #LatinoHealth #OurSalud #LATISM
Latino Health Conference starting now (thru Fri)! Join us at #LatinoHealth http://bit.ly/1hYy98w @LatinoConf2014 @grouphealth @UW @ITHS_UW
At the Latino Health Conference! #LatinoHealth
Today & tomorrow I will be at the @LatinoConf2014 #LatinoHealth. So great to be surrounded by so many people committed to nuestra gente!
The @UW Latino Center for Health seeks to listen to community & take impactful action. Community involvement key to success #LatinoHealth
.@UW Latino Center for Health aims to foster partnerships w/ Latino community to fulfill its needs. #LatinoHealth
Nora Disis @ITHS_UW, talks abt imp of researchers reaching out & communicating impact of work to community #LatinoHealth
“One of the canons of good research is that it should never hurt the people studied” – Peacock #LatinoHealth #equity
Nina Wallerstein talks about Community Based Participatory Research to improve health equity #LatinoHealth
The value of science and research is not equal across cultures & communities. Underserved groups often mistrust research #LatinoHealth
How do we, researchers/scientists, address this mistrust? How do we engage the community? #LatinoHealth
Principles of Community Engagement http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/communityengagement/pdf/Principles_Community_Engagement_2ndEdition_Spanish.pdf … Principios de Vinculación Comunitaria http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/communityengagement/pdf/PCE_Report_508_FINAL.pdf … #latinohealth
Wallerstein shares this National Study of Community – Academic Partnerships http://iwri.org/health/resources/cbpr-resources/community/ … #LatinoHealth
The National Study of Community – Academic Partnerships looked at, among other things, trust between partners #LatinoHealth
Wonder is these tools have been validated with other underserved communities! http://iwri.org/health/resources/cbpr-resources/community/ … #LatinoHealth
Wallerstein reflects on #CBPR as a tool to promote equity, social justice. “What is the problem from each POV?” #LatinoHealth
Next up: Rogelio Riojas, CEO of @SeaMarCHC #LatinoHealth
Emphasis of the day so far: engagement between researchers & community, viceversa. #LatinoHealth
Research institutions and surrounding communities are neighbors, need to get to know each other, create synergies #LatinoHealth
.@SeaMarCHC provides comprehensive services from health care to leadership development #LatinoHealth
Better, broader health care for #Latinos being pursued: http://ow.ly/vTBmw #healthcare #latinohealth
Riojas @SeaMarCHC: challenges to research collaboration language-appropriate materials, cultural sensitivity #LatinoHealth
Riojas @SeaMarCHC: challenges to research collaboration lack of funding, communication, time, staffing #latinohealth
Riojas @SeaMarCHC: when partnering, institutions have to be transparent, have mutual respect/trust, define subject protection #latinohealth
Riojas @SeaMarCHC: successful academic-community partnerships -> equality, shared resources, capacity building, engagement #latinohealth
@GreenLatino: have you RSVP’d for our upcoming #latinohealth #asthma chat with @EPA and @GinaEPA? 4/22 3:30pmET? http://bit.ly/1eeAO30
Next up Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, talking about mental health treatment gaps in Latinos #latinohealth #nmhm14 http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/publish/facultybio/search/1148/?searchtype=all …
Aguilar-Gaxiola: Latinos now majority in California but we still have a lot of work to do. How do we translate #’s into power? #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: mental health disorders are among most prevalent chronic diseases in general population, costy, few treated #latinohealth
Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola: “Ike it’s 1849: Latinos are the majority in California.” #LatinoHealth @GHResearch
Aguilar-Gaxiola: many suffer of more than one mental disorder at a time. #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: early onset mental disorders are predictors of onset and persistence of subsequent physical disorders #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: strong relationship between childhood adversity and mental disorders later in life #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: 70% of Latinos in the US don’t receive treatment for mental disorders. #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: researchers in mental health have to go to community: what are their needs? #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: 5 issues in #latino mental health: access, affordability, availability, appropriateness & advocacy #latinohealth
CA Reducing Disparities Project focused on: African Am, Latinos, LGBTQ, Native Am, Asian/Pac Islanders http://www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/Pages/CaliforniaReducingDisparitiesProject(CRDP).aspx … #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola: if you build mental health services, will they come? No. Who builds? How? Where? Will WE go to them? #latinohealth
Now Vickie Ybarra: two Latino groups who need mental health services in WA: parents (immigrants) & children (US-born) #latinohealth
Ybarra: in WA over 50% of Latino children 0-4 yo are US-born to immigrant parents #latinohealth
Ybarra: foreign-born Latino adults in WA 72% live under poverty; avg education <10 years; ~22% undocumented #latinohealth
Ybarra: the future of next gen of Latinos in WA (& US I’d say) depends on our capacity to serve & integrate immigrant families #latinohealth
Ybarra: to address health disparities programs are important but policies are better #latinohealth
Ybarra: Immigrant Integration -> We must go beyong acculturation, think about place, context #latinohealth
Ybarra: community colleges and K-12 institutions have had some success in integrating immigrants to their programs #latinohealth
Ybarra: inclusion is good for health #latinohealth
Mi pregunta: ¿Cuál es el rol de los comunicadores de ciencia en cerrar la brecha/disparidades de la salud latina? #latinohealth
Aguilar-Gaxiola answered: we ought to do much more to bridge gaps between researchers & communicators #scicomm #latinohealth
Proud to help bridge the gap between Latinos, researchers & media w/ @CienciaPR (bilingually!) http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001740 … #latinohealth
Q: What does cultural appropriateness mean? There are generational, language issues, Latinos not monolithic group. #latinohealth
Q: What is the role of us Latinos in educating others about the diversity of our community? Again we are not monolithic #latinohealth
@yfortiss I think this is big challenge when thinking abt policies/programs that serve the Latino community. #latinohealth
@yfortiss Can we create pan-Latino efforts that are inclusive of all groups/cultures? How? #latinohealth
Trauma: do we go beyond violence? do we think about experience of immigration, culture shock, invisibility? #latinohealth
MT @yfortiss: Find common ground , use as foundation. We have to be aware about diff & stay away from assumptions #latinohealth
Q: can we expand the promotoras de salud (community health workers) to other high need sectors (i.e. education)? #latinohealth
From breakout session: “Research should be something that really matters and something to enact on!” #LatinoHealth
April is Minority Heath month. Good to know #latinohealth @UWMedicineEvent cine
Mayra Álvarez: Health is fundamental to opportunity. A sick child can’t go to school, an ailing parent can’t go to work #latinohealth
Álvarez: Health care is not just about coverage but about access to care #latinohealth
Álvarez: 1 in 4 Latinos are uninsured #latinohealth
.@MayraHHS: “Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres”. We at #LatinoHealth conference are in great company, working to make difference.
Sam Byrd: For Latinos trying to navigate health care system can be foreign. How do we make it ACCESIBLE in every sense of word #LatinoHealth
How are Latinos affected by air pollution & #asthma? Find out at #latinohealth chat w/ @GinaEPA & @LULAC. RSVP: http://bit.ly/1eeAO30
Byrd: We want our children to be biliterate, not just bilingual. #latinohealth
Byrd: There’s a disconnect of people that can help translate what health care means to Latino communities, make it relevant #latinohealth
Making something relevant (science, healthcare) goes beyond language. Context, who communicates also critical #LatinoHealth
@moefeliu Seems @PCORnetwork project could incorporate #latinohealth goals of community into #datasharing @drbachinsky
@CleanAirMoms. We’re excited that you can join our #latinohealth #asthma chat w/ @GinaEPA & @LULAC on 4/22 3:30pmET. http://bit.ly/1eeAO30
SO frustrating to hear about how people who should be covered by Medicaid expansion are not because of politics #latinohealth
Research shld provide actionable info to create change, make things better. What’s the point if it doesn’t benefit anyone? #latinohealth
Q: How do we involve other stakeholders in Latino community in conversation about health? Preach to the unconverted? #latinohealth
Just joined the breakout session on “Academic and provider workforce diversity, training and pipeline ” #latinohealth
Breakout session: Academic & provider workforce diversity, training & pipeline #latinohealth
Rethinking the “leaky pipeline”: there need to be multiple entry points an multiple meaningful exit points #latinohealth
“We need to redefine the pipeline and allow different entry points and acceptable exit points ” #LatinoHealth
My two cents: we need to look at #ISL as a way to address diversity issues, to create culturally & contextually relevant progs #latinohealth
#ISL also provides opportunity for family, community engagement #latinohealth
There are 801,000 Latinos in WA #LatinoHealth
Latinos have the highest mortality rate of occupational injuries. Why? Because we do the hardest work. #latinohealth
#LatinoHealth Conf Day 2: we are now hearing from Luis Fraga @UW about the critical role of Latino research to enhace institutional capacity
.@UW was one of the first universities to establish an Office of Minority Affairs #LatinoHealth
Fraga: Inclusion is indispensable to excellence. Not just having people from different backgrounds but ensure their success. #LatinoHealth
Fraga: Higher ed institutions have failed if they do not build more inclusive places. #LatinoHealth
Fraga: #HigherEd inst need individuals who can deepen understanding of issues of under-served and under-studied communities #latinohealth
Fraga: to achieve & maintain faculty inclusion: commitment (building expectations), climate, mentorships, research & teaching #latinohealth
Day 2 of the Latino Health Conference! It’s only getting better! #latinohealth
Luis Ricardo Fraga:”Inclusion (not diversity) is indispensable to excellence”! #LatinoHealth
Fraga: Building an institution that is inclusive is hard work. #LatinoHealth *rolls sleeves*
Jennie McLaurin: Inclusion goes both ways. #LatinoHealth
McLaurin talks abt the mobile poor: mostly Latino, migrant agricultural workers. Often invisible when people talk abt Latinos. #LatinoHealth
McLaurin shares this really cool graphic about global migration http://qz.com/192440/where-everyone-in-the-world-is-migrating-in-one-gorgeous-chart/ … #LatinoHealth
McLaurin: Addressing health inequalities is not just an ethical issue but a human rights issue #latinohealth
McLaurin: there are ~1 to 2.5 million farmworkers in the U.S. 1/2 million children work in agriculture. Most of them Latino. #LatinoHealth
McLaurin: 78% of farmworkers live below poverty level, have low literacy levels (between 3rd-8th grade) #latinohealth
McLaurin: States with high # of migrant workers: CA, FL, WA, TX, GA, NY, SC, NC #LatinoHealth
McLaurin: over 50% of farmworker households (the people who pick our food) are food insecure. Talk about irony & inequality #LatinoHealth
McLaurin: Foreign-born Latino have highest rate of occupational injuries #latinohealth
@LATISM: Can you join our upcoming #latinohealth #asthma chat with @LULAC and @GinaEPA? 4/22 3:30pmET? http://bit.ly/1eeAO30
It’s a wrap but just the beginning. Roll up your sleeves to continue la lucha for Latinos & equity #latinohealth http://campl.us/q8Ry
Learn more about the historic Latino Center for Health @UW http://latinocenterforhealth.org/ #latinohealth #latism