

  1. Culturally Relevant Science on Elementary and Middle Schools  http://ow.ly/tTVOV  background for #sciolang #scio14 via @CienciaPR -paywall
  2. What is #ScioLang at #Scio14? | Beyond English Science Communication. Ivan Fernando Gonzalez  http://ow.ly/tUjUl 
  3. Project “Ciencia Boricua”, #scicomm in Spanish in PuertoRico’s schools. Background reading for #sciolang at #scio14  http://ow.ly/tTVYD 
  4. Science communication for Spanish-speaking audiences at #ScioSEA  http://ow.ly/tTW3q  background reading for #sciolang at #scio14
  5. Too many language hashtags to follow at #Sciolang? Just follow ScioLang Ambassadors list:  https://twitter.com/GonzalezIvanF/lists/sciolang  Thursday Noon EST #scio14
  6. @GonzalezIvanF I’m in the USA.
    I’m waiting for my flight to Raleigh I cannot miss #sciolang
  7. Too many language hashtags to follow at #Sciolang? Just follow ScioLang Ambassadors list:  http://bit.ly/1eiFT8x … Thursday Noon EST(5PM GMT)
  8. Great 1st night @ #scio14 catching up w/ friends & mtg new ppl! looking 4ward 2 day 2 sessions esp #scioLang & #scioDiversity
  9. Too many language hashtags to follow at #Sciolang? Just follow ScioLang Ambassadors list:  https://twitter.com/GonzalezIvanF/lists/sciolang  Thursday Noon EST #scio14
  10. Non-English #SciComm: How science is generated, shared & communicated beyond English audiences #sciolang
  11. I will now be tweeting from the session on non-English #scicomm with @GonzalezIvanF #sciolang
  12. A punto de participar d la sesión “Non-English science communication” moderada por @GonzalezIvanF #scio14 #sciolang pic.twitter.com/LLZCDI4jrs
  13. If you’re going to follow #sciolang, @GonzalezIvanF has a list of twitter feeds in other languages #scio14
  14. We have a nice crowd for #scio14 #sciolang , excited to discuss non-English challenges
  15. Now at #ScioLang session. Jetzt fangt’s wirklich an. #ScioLang_DE Sasa sehemu muhimu ya hii yote huanza. #ScioLang_Swa. #scio14
  16. Bookmark this: #scioLang resources page –  http://bit.ly/N7LDaF  Links, resources, points of contact. #scio14
  17. #scioLang session about science in other languages than English

    #sciox #scio14

  18. Survey of languages in the room at #sciolang include Spanish, German, Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese, Catalan… #scio14
  19. Besides English, we have representatives from 9 other languages in the #sciolang room #scio14. I’m the Portuguese representative.
  20. German science communicators prefer to communicate in English to be part of global community. #scio14 #sciolang
  21. Beatrice Lugger @BLugger now speaking shortly at #ScioLang, making points about Germany. #ScioLang_DE
  22. .@BLugger: German community needs to talk science in English (for moving research fwd) and in German (for application) #sciolang #scio14
  23. in germania inglese per la comuicazione tra pari, tedesco per comunicare con la politica
    #sciolang_it #sciolang #scio14
  24. #sciolang @BLugger talks about how English reaches intl sci community, but German helps reach broader audience at home #scio14
  25. we need english to interact on a scientific level, we need our own languages to communicate with lay people #scio14 #sciolang
  26. .@BLugger: at international conferences, 50% of attendees aren’t native English speakers. Speak slower, & use less jargon. #sciolang #scio14
  27. anche per i tedeschi l’uso dell’ingese in conferenza è un problema #sciolang_it #sciolang #scio14
  28. in germania twitter & facebook sono i media più usati per la comunicazione scientifica #sciolang_it #sciolang #scio14
  29. Native English speakers should consider audience at international conferences – speak slower, don’t use complex language #scio14 #scioLang
  30. comunicar la ciencia mas alla del ingles en #scioLang #ScioLang_ESP aleman, arabe, suma y sigue…
  31. “Science in Arabic is closer to zero than anything else, especially online.” #sciolang #scio14
  32. “Science in Arabic is closer to zero”, political trauma diverges the conversation. Scientific conversation is in English. #scio14 #sciolang
  33. in arabia è difficile fare comunicazione scientifica in arabo #sciolang_it #sciolang #scio14
  34. “Communicating science in Arabic is especially hard; the best Arabic professors speak in English anyway.” #sciolang #scio14
  35. I’m very happy to see several native English speakers in the #sciolang session #scio14
  36. Qui travaille dans la communication scientifique bilingue (Français & Anglais)? #sciolang @GonzalezIvanF  http://bit.ly/N7LDaF 
  37. English is needed for scientific conversations, local language is necessary for outreach to society and decision-makers @BLugger #sciolang
  38. Good Q from @minutephysics in #sciolang – best to translate existing #scicomm content into other languages? A is “well, better than nothing”
  39. Ran in a bit late to #sciolang, enjoying the conversation in the room & on Twitter! #scio14
  40. .@Gurdur makes a good point: translate science from English to other languages, but ALSO translate the other way. #sciolang #scio14
  41. @luis_quevedo at #scio14 – translating everything from English to Spanish is a lot of times fruitless. Need for original content. #sciolang
  42. #sciolang @Gurdur talks about how translating to English (not just to local langs) helps highlight issues in other countries #scio14
  43. Challenge: how can we not just translate #scicomm but make English #scicomm more internationally accessible? (incl. humor) #sciolang #scio14
  44. @Gurdur Claims that science communication gets more and more rude on twitter and others – believes this is sth special in English #sciolang
  45. Just spoke myself with some comments of my own at #scio14 #scioLang. Talked about Tanzania a little, cross-cultural communication probs etc
  46. .@GonzalezIvanF: cultural taboos & differences in humor can be land mines; you need a hand to navigate these successfully. #sciolang #scio14
  47. During #sciolang We must be aware of cultural taboos when writing in other languages. Not all phrases/jokes translate well :-s #scio14
  48. it’s not only about translating language-humor/cultural differences don’t always translate #scio14 #sciolang
  49. @Gurdur Oh doch, bei uns gibt es den Begriff ‚Shitstorm‘, den English speakers so gar nicht kennen. #sciolang #sciolang_de
  50. Q: is it more impt to translate science for lay audiences, or for scientists? A: choose your audience based on your goal #sciolang #scio14
  51. Establishing a network of scientists and science writers in Latin America has been challenging but great for offering them a voice #sciolang
  52. se le risorse sono limitate bisogna decidere quali audience raggiungere #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
  53. .@moefeliu: English has become defacto lang. of science. However, scientists are comfortable learning in *their* language #sciolang #scio14
  54. #sciolang Yes, English is lingua franca of science, but I question assumption *any science that matters* is published in English. #scio14
  55. #scioLang English has become the de facto lingua franca of science and thats makes it easy for scientists but harder for layman #scio14
  56. Thanks to Jen Davison @JenEDavison, Ben Mudrak @BenMudrak, Beatrice Lugger @BLugger, immediate resonance & critical feedback. #ScioLang
  57. Major challenge is that scientists don’t have time or training to translate their work to other languages #sciolang #scio14
  58. Was tun, wenn eine kleine Universität kein Geld dafür hat, Dinge in gutes Englisch oder umgekehrt zu übersetzen? @cristinarigutto #sciolang
  59. to translate or not to translate: with limited resources, what should we do, adrress gen pop or scientists? #scioLang
  60. @JenEDavison performing Science is Dancing alone and translating science for lay audiences is Dancing with crowd @BLugger #Sciolang #scio14
  61. During #sciolang Trying to comm with patients at a hospital in different lang? focus on physicians (they contact them on a daily basis)
  62. Thanks @Vickerbry for linking #openaccess #opendata #OA threads to discussion of language barriers to knowledge diffusion #sciolang #scio14
  63. anche in spagna come in italia c’è il problema della lingua, andare all’estero è una soluzione per impararla #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
  64. tricks to improve our English so we can better partake in scicomm: training in Eng speaking countries says @margagual #sciolang
  65. It is useful to travel abroad while training as a scientist, so you can learn how your research is translated #sciolang #scio14
  66. What tools do you use to improve your foreign language skills? #sciolang #scio14
  67. #scioLang not everyone has an access to be bilingual.. How to bridge the gap between the privileged and the unprivileged
  68. .@GonzalezIvanF Even if you have a good education in science, and of the written English language, speaking takes a while. #sciolang #scio14
  69. Retweeting, important: “@russo_cristina:: “We all speak a different English” #scio14 #sciolang“”
  70. Best way to learn another language? Go abroad. A more economical option: watch a lot of TV #scio14 #sciolang
  71. #sciolang I work at Galapagos Marine Reserve, 1 of biggest barriers to translate science in2 management is languages’s barrier.
  72. You should not be discussing the science of obesity in Brazil, where the issue is poverty, malnourishment, starvation. #sciolang #scio14
  73. .@MTV may have killed the radio star,t but it has been helping scientists learn English since 1981! #sciolang #scio14
  74. anche se si ha una buona conoscenza del’inglese scientifico è difficile parlarlo cit: @GonzalezIvanF #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
  75. Cultural differences can be a source of miscommunication between different #scioLang
  76. Correcting my last tweet. I believe @russo_cristina actually quoted @cristinarigutto “We all speak a different English” #scio14 #sciolang
  77. @russo_cristina watch MTV! really, you need to get the slang too, not only the scientific lingua franca that English has become #sciolang
  78. Example:in the US we talk about obesity and child obesity whereas in Brazil that would be offensive.. Should talk about starvation #scioLang
  79. #sciolang If you want ur research to positively impact management make sure to publish alternatively into managers language.
  80. Requests of non-English-speaking scientific communities for translation: how to vet effectiveness, avoid misinformation? #sciolang #scio14
  81. comunicare la scienza non è solo un prob.di lingua, non si parla di obesità in brasile dove si muore di fame #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
  82. #sciolang and that includes to overcome also academic vs. vernacular language barriers.
  83. To prepare for a research stay to the USA use TED Talks, ASAP Science and more @nicopila #sciolang
  84. Q: How to teach science to those who can’t speak or write in English? #sciolang #scio14
  85. Talk to us at #sciolang for advice to communicating science with Non-English speaking audiences! #scio14
  86. “Together with Science Online, we want to make more and better science communication in Spanish” by @luis_quevedo at #sciolang #scio14
  87. A call in the #sciolang session for creating a community of practice for scientists/science communicators straddling languages. #scio14
  88. a #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14 si pensa a come mettere insieme risorse comuni per i comunicatori della scienza
  89. Many Spanish speakers at #scioLang, 1 Mandarin-speaker, 2 German, at least one Arabic. No Dutch, apparently, but they’re all quadrilingual
  90. With so many languages spoken there’s need to bring together science comm resources in diff lang. Multilingual @sciblogs? #scio14 #sciolang
  91. @russo_cristina @BLugger …and in science we need to appreciate it, instead of doing the english postmortem. #ScioLang #scio14
  92. Challenge to provide translated science for Mandarin-speaking audiences because of the media restrictions in China #sciolang #scio14
  93. #sciolang Super cool! @_minutephysics innovating with crowd sourcing @YouTube subtitles w/ new tool #scio14
  94. “Look into networks of scientists to crowd source content” by @moefeliu #sciolang #scio14
  95. .@moefeliu: if we want to translate science for certain audiences, infiltrate the networks there. #sciolang #scio14
  96. non-english science communicators: do your part,
    translate youtube video subtitles! #scio14 #sciolang
  97. .@moefeliu We can also be bridges between those who need/want the science and those who don’t speak the language. #sciolang #scio14
  98. chi parla più lingue può diventare un “connettore” per mettere insieme le risorse #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
  99. #scioLang creating networks and bridges and how to become active science communicators between different languages; beyond English
  100. “Use us [bilinguals] as bridges to translate/source your science message” by @moefeliu #sciolang #scio14
  101. anche gli scienziati hanno la necessità di parlare nella loro lingua madre cit @BLugger #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
  102. For YEARS I was self-concious abtmy accent MT @IndianBotanists @BLugger needto appreciate instead of an english postmortem #ScioLang #scio14
  103. not discussed – what about non-native Eng speakers as peer reviewers? China: 12-15% of papers, 4-5% or reviews! Editors at fault? #scioLang
  104. Wissenschaftler sind besonders in den Landessprachen die wichtigen Ansprechpartner. #sciolang
  105. @russo_cristina Journalists can tell the story of music, sports, literature then why not science. Identify the #ScioLang for mass @BLugger
  106. We’re here at #scio14 with @Vickerbry – great first morning on Law #scioLaw and Language #scioLang
  107. @LizNeeley Don’t know what you expect from me but I’m willing to participate in the #scioLang #scio14 discussions.
  108. #Sciolang MT @sambit_dash: @margagual @BLugger if taxpayer money funds research, it’s imperative tht it needs 2b conveyed in local languages
  109. Deberia estar @TheBigVanTheory en @ScienceOnline no estamos viendo estrategias innovadoras de divulgacion #scio14 #sciolang
  110. Brought up during convo w @luis_quevedo We should quant success of non-English science blogs/sites and ID success patterns #sciolang #scio14
  111. Brought up during convo w @luis_quevedo We should quant success of non-English science blogs/sites and ID success patterns #sciolang #scio14
  112. Lots of intersections between #scioPlatforms and #sciolang. Very exciting! Follow #scio14 livestream now!
  113. Lots of intersections between #scioPlatforms and #sciolang. Very exciting! Follow #scio14 livestream now!
  114. .@jalees_rehman has good #sciolang point: uncertainty can translate badly. Get informed by how others phrase things #sciouncertainty
  115. .@jalees_rehman has good #sciolang point: uncertainty can translate badly. Get informed by how others phrase things #sciouncertainty
  116. Baadaye nami kuandika ripoti katika Kiswahili juu ya (#scio14) mkutano huu nzima. #scioLang, #scioLang_Swa
  117. Baadaye nami kuandika ripoti katika Kiswahili juu ya (#scio14) mkutano huu nzima. #scioLang, #scioLang_Swa
  118. MT @paslap: Storify: l’atelier sur les «non-english science communication» à #Scio14  http://bit.ly/1eOWtgH  #sciolang
  119. Tentative plan for our #scio14 recap session (March 12) to include: #sciohope, #sciolang and #sciosafe. More deets to come.
  120. Can’t wait for the #sciolang vibe to catch on and do more and better latino science on TV. Anyone? cc @moefeliu @margagual @GonzalezIvanF
  121. Daily task MT @GonzalezIvanF cultural taboos/differences in humor = land mines; need a hand to navigate these successfully #sciolang #scio14

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