Culturally Relevant Science on Elementary and Middle Schools http://ow.ly/tTVOV background for #sciolang #scio14 via @CienciaPR -paywall
New blog post: #Scio14 in (Ki)Swahili http://heathen-hub.com/blog.php?b=1765 —- #scioLang #ScioLang_Swa #scioX #Swahili #Kiswahili #Tanzania
Hujambo, hamjambo, habari zako? #Scio14 has a little KiSwahili: http://heathen-hub.com/blog.php?b=1765 – – – – . #ScioX #ScioLang #ScioLang_Swa #Swahili
THURS at #scio14, @GonzalezIvanF hosts #ScioLang talk on NonEnglish science communication http://bit.ly/1bE39st Join the convo! #scioLang中文
Too many language hashtags to follow at #Sciolang? Just follow ScioLang Ambassadors list: http://bit.ly/1eiFT8x … Thursday Noon EST(5PM GMT)
Stanford study: good Eng teacher boosts students’ math scores; reports @timesofindia http://m.timesofindia.com/home/education/news/A-good-English-teacher-will-boost-students-math-scores-Stanford-study-shows/articleshow/31047504.cms … #Sciolang implications? #scio14
Hi @LalSox !!! Join us for lunch tomorrow cc @moefeliu @margagual @GonzalezIvanF #scio14 #latino #sciolang
A punto de participar d la sesión “Non-English science communication” moderada por @GonzalezIvanF #scio14 #sciolang pic.twitter.com/LLZCDI4jrs
#sciolang discussion on the language to be used for science communication pic.twitter.com/bC5MCOpU9S
https://twitter.com/GonzalezIvanF/sciolang/members … MT @BenMudrak If you’re going to follow #sciolang, @GonzalezIvanF has a list of twitter feeds in other langs #scio14
Now at #ScioLang session. Jetzt fangt’s wirklich an. #ScioLang_DE Sasa sehemu muhimu ya hii yote huanza. #ScioLang_Swa. #scio14
The #sciolang session is about to start: #sciolang_esp @moefeliu @luis_quevedo @GonzalezIvanF #scio14 pic.twitter.com/L8tAxRGh6e
We’re missing francophones at #scioLang #scio14 session – @RobinBnard @jfbouthillette @wraillantclark Of interest? http://bit.ly/N7LDaF
Ivan Fernando Gonzalez @GonzalezIvanF opened and leads the #ScioLang session. pic.twitter.com/RzTOGyWovH
comunicar la ciencia mas alla del ingles en #scioLang #ScioLang_ESP aleman, arabe, suma y sigue…
Qui travaille dans la communication scientifique bilingue (Français & Anglais)? #sciolang @GonzalezIvanF http://bit.ly/N7LDaF
Interesting comments from Henry @minutephysics at #ScioLang.
http://LatinAmericanScience.org a bilingual site for science news out of Latin America #sciolang #ScioLang_ESP #scio14
Thanks to Jen Davison @JenEDavison, Ben Mudrak @BenMudrak, Beatrice Lugger @BLugger, immediate resonance & critical feedback. #ScioLang
Was tun, wenn eine kleine Universität kein Geld dafür hat, Dinge in gutes Englisch oder umgekehrt zu übersetzen? @cristinarigutto #sciolang
Thanks @Vickerbry for linking #openaccess #opendata #OA threads to discussion of language barriers to knowledge diffusion #sciolang #scio14
tricks to improve our English so we can better partake in scicomm: training in Eng speaking countries says @margagual #sciolang
anche se si ha una buona conoscenza del’inglese scientifico è difficile parlarlo cit: @GonzalezIvanF #sciolang #sciolang_it #scio14
Correcting my last tweet. I believe @russo_cristina actually quoted @cristinarigutto “We all speak a different English” #scio14 #sciolang
@russo_cristina watch MTV! really, you need to get the slang too, not only the scientific lingua franca that English has become #sciolang
Very interesting discussion on the lingua franca of science over at #scio14 @margagual @LizNeeley @luis_quevedo @russo_cristina #sciolang
There will be many resources on http://bit.ly/1o8VF6Z , and http://bit.ly/1o8VGYA for #sciolang #scio14
@nicopila @BenMudrak @cristinarigutto @ScienceBorealis You’ve been quoted in my #Storify story “#Sciolang ” http://sfy.co/abSE
@GonzalezIvanF @luis_quevedo @Vickerbry @moefeliu @JenEDavison You’ve been quoted in my #Storify story “#Sciolang ” http://sfy.co/abSE
Va @AssaadRazzouk @AugeAabye photo showing importance of #scioLang #scicomm, multiling bridges: pollution Beijing pic.twitter.com/YybeCsoFw6
#Sciolang MT @sambit_dash: @margagual @BLugger if taxpayer money funds research, it’s imperative tht it needs 2b conveyed in local languages
WEPA Monica! @luis_quevedo: for a 1st time, @moefeliu is really making a dent in #scio14 way to go @CienciaPR #sciolang
Deberia estar @TheBigVanTheory en @ScienceOnline no estamos viendo estrategias innovadoras de divulgacion #scio14 #sciolang
.@DrStelling @BenMudrak @drskyskull @ScienceOnline This relates to the #ScioLang efforts at #scio14 this year. #sciocomments @GonzalezIvanF
.@DrStelling @BenMudrak @drskyskull @ScienceOnline This relates to the #ScioLang efforts at #scio14 this year. #sciocomments @GonzalezIvanF
.@jalees_rehman has good #sciolang point: uncertainty can translate badly. Get informed by how others phrase things #sciouncertainty
.@jalees_rehman has good #sciolang point: uncertainty can translate badly. Get informed by how others phrase things #sciouncertainty
GO LATINOS! Cheers to more & better #ScioLang! A real treat @russo_cristina @GonzalezIvanF @margagual @moefeliu @nicopila @MinorityPostdoc
GO LATINOS! Cheers to more & better #ScioLang! A real treat @russo_cristina @GonzalezIvanF @margagual @moefeliu @nicopila @MinorityPostdoc
ScienceOnline Language http://storify.com/cristinarigutto/sciolang … via @cristinarigutto #sciolang #scio14
ScienceOnline Language http://storify.com/cristinarigutto/sciolang … via @cristinarigutto #sciolang #scio14
Non-English #SciComm “@margagual: ScienceOnline Language http://storify.com/cristinarigutto/sciolang … via @cristinarigutto #sciolang #scio14” #sciospanishmafia XD
Non-English #SciComm “@margagual: ScienceOnline Language http://storify.com/cristinarigutto/sciolang … via @cristinarigutto #sciolang #scio14” #sciospanishmafia XD
Non-english #scicomm session #Sciolang #scio14 http://storify.com/2footgiraffe/sciolang … via @2footgiraffe
Non-english #scicomm session #Sciolang #scio14 http://storify.com/2footgiraffe/sciolang … via @2footgiraffe
Interested in #scicomm in languages other than Englisht? Check @2footgiraffe‘s #storify of #Sciolang http://sfy.co/abSE #scio14 ^SB
Interested in #scicomm in languages other than Englisht? Check @2footgiraffe‘s #storify of #Sciolang http://sfy.co/abSE #scio14 ^SB
Interested in #scicomm in languages other than Englisht? Check @2footgiraffe‘s #storify of #Sciolang http://sfy.co/abSE #scio14 ^SB
Interested in #scicomm in languages other than Englisht? Check @2footgiraffe‘s #storify of #Sciolang http://sfy.co/abSE #scio14 ^SB
Interested in #scicomm in languages other than Englisht? Check @2footgiraffe‘s #storify of #Sciolang http://sfy.co/abSE #scio14 ^SB
Interested in #scicomm in languages other than Englisht? Check @2footgiraffe‘s #storify of #Sciolang http://sfy.co/abSE #scio14 ^SB
back in CA. so long #scio14 #scioDiversity #scioSafe #scioLang etc friends! missed seeing @MarkHahnel & @figshare team at @ScienceOnline
Today 1130am EST (1230pm in #PuertoRico) see me w @luis_quevedo @CstNTN24 talking abt @CienciaPR at #scio14 #sciolang http://www.ntn24.com/envivo
@ashleybraun @mwmcelroy @JenEDavison @nswa @LizNeeley @r343l Happy to team up w @GonzalezIvanF for #sciolang, reaching undersrvd aud update
Can’t wait for the #sciolang vibe to catch on and do more and better latino science on TV. Anyone? cc @moefeliu @margagual @GonzalezIvanF
Science-communication (#scicomm) in East Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda) http://heathen-hub.com/blog.php?b=1769 —
#scio14, #scioLang, #scioLang_Swa