Alan Alda Admiration Society #aasmtg http://instagram.com/p/kdGUSTnSGH/
Just for this meeting the Alan Alda Admiration Society #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/kdDtYhKWzM
Alan Alda plenary, fun ! #aaasmtg pic.twitter.com/s4LwhnIRjI
“You really get close to someone when you take a selfie.” Alan Alda at #aaasmtg pic.twitter.com/IYf5npCjeg
Alan Alda- the rockstar of #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/4CrPQcTH74
Standing room only for Alan Alda talking about communicating science at #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/HlwUbm9Nxf
Alan Alda asks, What is it about your work that you would want the public to clearly understand? #AAASMtg pic.twitter.com/7HEU4VUn2v
What research do you want to communicate? Alan Alda @FlameChallenge Center for Communicating Science on communicating science at #AAASmtg
Alan Alda on communicating science #aaasmeeting ‘use plain words that are entirely accurate.’ pic.twitter.com/M9M4xmZC8W
Front row center to listen to Alan Alda present “Getting Beyond a Blind Date with Science.” #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/b2iOHkOAkU
Alan Alda giving a brilliant plenary lecture at #AAASmtg – highlight of the day. pic.twitter.com/3d4DFmAoJ2
Alan Alda just cracked a selfie joke! Can’t wait to hear what he has to say about communicating science #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/xlZEnVZAsk
Kickin it with Alan Alda…. #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/XCFyqz0Jpo
“Ignorance is a wonderful thing as long as there’s curiosity attached to it.” -Alan Alda #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/UrvtqvQCqP
See http://www.Flamechallenge.org for info on Alda’s science communication challenge. #AAASmtg
#AAASMeetings Alan Alda at AAAS meeting,in hallway it is full and fire Marshall said no more inside.. Great talk! pic.twitter.com/JrOZLczYwc
Alda makes a volunteer tap out a song to try & connect w the audience. Funny. #aaasmtg pic.twitter.com/ssGuHzipwl
#AAASMtg Alan Alda – 4 words: Tell me a story. Alda wowed us w/warmth, wisdom, and of course, stories. Thanks Alan. pic.twitter.com/rNKZJZgUt3
“Ignorance is a wonderful thing as long as it has curiosity attached.” -Alan Alda. #aaasmtg #quoteoftheconference pic.twitter.com/3sac2aZcPE
Alan Alda @AJAS2014 ….. hope our young scientists are listening tonight. pic.twitter.com/FcNCStF5yY
Le he propuesto a Alan Alda que venga conmigo a Madrid a ver #Famelab pero le pilla lejos. #AAASmtg @TheBigVanTheory pic.twitter.com/UmVgas2CeG
At #AAASmtg plenary by Alan Alda! He is as cool as I imagined him to be. #scicomm #celebrity pic.twitter.com/HtgGsujgOU
Late schedule addition: Plenary overflow at hotel bar.
“@AAASMeetings: You guys love Alan Alda too much! Plenary at capacity. #AAASmtg” -
Alan Alda! At #AAASmtg, talking about talking about science. pic.twitter.com/q3zQngrk9b
#AAASMtg Alan Alda – don’t hide behind the podium, look them in the eye, figure out how you are doing pic.twitter.com/2RSemKikxQ
Challenge to Scientists Too often we sound Boring~Times are changing http://www.sciencefriday.com/segment/01/31/2014/alan-alda-s-challenge-to-scientists-define-color.html … @endocrine_witch @TomVargheseJr @ProfAmyE
Alan Alda talks SCIENCE. #aaasmtg @ Fairmont Chicago http://instagram.com/p/kdJDrXjTKY/
Not seeing Alan Alda speak. Room booked clearly not large enough. @AAASMeetings

@AAASMeetings Alan Alda talking science at AAAS plenary .. Room so full we are in hallway watching! Wonderful!! pic.twitter.com/KQl8ZHH7iO
Alan Alda shows videos of students explaining research before & after an improv workshop! Science and theater meet! @KevinDowse #AAASmtg

Here’s that “flame challenge” Alan Alda initiated: http://bit.ly/1ozQHD2 #AAASmtg

Alan Alda in a fascinating talk at AAAS pic.twitter.com/Ko2JyOkIXg
Zut! Salle comble pour Alan Alda. On se reprend demain avec son atelier sur l’improvisation http://ow.ly/3hl30Z #storytelling #AAASmtg

#AAASMeetings Alan Alda at AAAS meeting,in hallway it is full and fire Marshall said no more inside.. Great talk! pic.twitter.com/JrOZLczYwc
#AAASMeetings Alan Alda at AAAS meeting,in hallway it is full and fire Marshall said no… http://www.rightnow.io/breaking-news/aaasmeetings-aaas_bn_1392508364021.html … #Aaas via @OMOTEmpowered
Who knew? There is an “Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science”: http://www.centerforcommunicatingscience.org via @PracticalWisdom
@JenEDavison May have been this: Alda Tells Scientists To Cut The Jargon, Tell A Story http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/2013/05/alan-alda-tells-scientists-cut-jargon-tell-story … #scicomm #AAASmtg #ACPSScience

#AAASMtg Alan Alda – 4 words: Tell me a story. Alda wowed us w/warmth, wisdom, and of course, stories. Thanks Alan. pic.twitter.com/rNKZJZgUt3

“Ignorance is a wonderful thing as long as it has curiosity attached.” -Alan Alda. #aaasmtg #quoteoftheconference pic.twitter.com/3sac2aZcPE
.@TillerSchool let’s do it! @FlameChallenge MT @Revkin: Alan Alda Challenges Scientists to Explain Color to Kids http://nyti.ms/1fh5VoN

Alan Alda @AJAS2014 ….. hope our young scientists are listening tonight. pic.twitter.com/FcNCStF5yY

Got to the Alan Alda plenary too late to get in, but at least I got this picture of him on the big screen #AAASmtg pic.twitter.com/3Ti4N9fUoN
We want to thank Alan Alda for a wonderful plenary talk tonight! @FlameChallenge http://www.centerforcommunicatingscience.org/
Speaking of Alan Alda, don’t forget to participate in this year’s @FlameChallenge: What is color? http://www.centerforcommunicatingscience.org/the-flame-challenge-2/what-is-color/ … #scicomm #AAASmtg
Thank you, Alan Alda, for reaffirming my passion for science communication. So glad to be working on that! @AAASFellowships #AAASmtg