Climate Literacy: Impacts, Evidence, and Best Practices From Research and Evaluation #AGU13

Climate Literacy: Impacts, Evidence, and Best Practices From Research and Evaluation #AGU13

Climate Literacy: Impacts, Evidence, and Best Practices From Research and Evaluation #AGU13

Jen Davison (@JenEDavison) covering a very important session at #AGU13: ED32A. Climate Literacy: Impacts, Evidence, and Best Practices From Research and Evaluation.

  1. MT @JenEDavison: Rational mind is like a rider on top of the giant elephant that is our emotional/intuitive beast.
  2. Livestream #AGU13: Climate Literacy (details: ) begins at 10:20am PST  (use code AGU13)
  3. Third day of #AGU13, I’m starting off with a session on climate literacy.
  4. First up, Ed Maibach with @YaleClimateComm on their campaign to convey the consensus on human-caused climate change. #AGU13
  5. Maibach: the fact that the public does not understand the scientific consensus on climate change is both widespread and damaging. #AGU13
  6. .@MaibachEd: If only 15% of US adults understand scientific consensus on climate change, then solutions will not come about. #AGU13
  7. .@MaibachEd cites Lewandowsky et al (2013): pivotal role of perceived scientific consensus in acceptance of science (Nat Clim Change) #AGU13
  8. .@MaibachEd and Rob Gould are working w AAAS to “set the record straight” re: scientific consensus about human-caused climate change. #AGU13
  9. MT @JenEDavison Maibach & Rob Gould are working w AAAS to “set the record straight” re: scientific consensus about human-caused CC
  10. .@MaibachEd tested statements like “97 out of 100”, “overwhelming majority” re: climate consensus. More precise #s were best. #AGU13
  11. .@MaibachEd: statement of science consensus starting w “based on the evidence” was slightly more effective than just leading w the % #AGU13
  12. .@MaibachEd: stating alternative claims is NOT helpful. Stating the facts/truth of consensus is most effective. #AGU13
  13. .@MaibachEd: It helps to get people to state their estimate of consensus & then tell them the reality. #AGU13
  14. .@MaibachEd: The process of de-biasing ppls’ understanding of scientific consensus was most effective w politically conservative #AGU13
  15. Rob Gould: AAAS communicating climate consensus: 3 R’s. 1. Reality: scientists are convinced; impacts are happening… #AGU13
  16. Gould: 2nd R= risk: could get worse, could experience surprises. 3rd R= response: the sooner the better, & there’s a lot we can do. #AGU13
  17. Next, Scott Denning – “I’m not a warmist! transcending ideological barriers in climate communication” #AGU13
  18. Denning  reminds us that scientists are necessary but not sufficient for solving climate change. #AGU13
  19. @JenEDavison @MaibachEd Media’s equal time for deniers is done for ratings…Like each side was a football team…Outrages !
  20. Denning cites Kahan et al. 2012 showing that an increase in science literacy can polarize views even more.  #AGU13
  21. Denning: The rational mind is like a rider on top of the giant elephant that is our emotional/intuitive beast. #AGU13
  22. Denning: if you want to reach someone, “talk to their elephant” (i.e., their intuitive mind). #AGU13
  23. @JenEDavison hard thing is that the “elephant” is the non-talking part. Works in symbols, imagery, non-verbal communication…
  24. It’s great to see a climate scientist talking about his own experience talking to people about climate science. “It’s about ideology” #AGU13
  25. Denning has spoken to the Heartland Institute about climate change:  #AGU13
  26. Denning: “when I spoke at Heartland there were hundreds of people, and they all were carrying hockey sticks”. Talk about pressure! #AGU13
  27. Denning: Climate change is Simple, Serious, Solvable. #AGU13
  28. Denning: Our modern lifestyle is not because of coal/gas; it’s because of us, our ingenuity. We can use this to solve climate change #AGU13
  29. Mica Estrada, w Climate Education Partners: If ppl have a community w which to discuss climate change, they will engage more fully. #AGU13
  30. Estrada: Based on research in San Diego, Latinos are more knowledgeable & concerned about climate change than non-Latinos. #AGU!3
  31. Nicole Holthius presented great findings from the Climate Change Education Project:  #AGU13
  32. Great discussion here in the “Climate Literacy” session abt how to engage ppl re: climate change. It comes down to audience & trust. #AGU13
  33. Next, Karen McNeal w N Carolina S U, on the EarthLabs Project.  #AGU13

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