Lynne Walker, Erik Vance, Sergio Vicke y Susan White #sdscijo13 pic.twitter.com/RnMZcI3ZA53ZA5
Cross-Border Science Journalism Workshop – Institute of the Americas
Apr 27, 2013 … Date: April 27, 2013Time: 8:30 a. m. – 5:00 p. m. Location: Institute of the Americas Agenda (English) Agenda (Español… -
A workshop on cross-border science | ScienceWriters (www.nasw.org)
Mar 18, 2013 … A workshop on cross-border science … workshop to create and strengthen cross- border exchanges for journalists report… -
Bizarre fish bladder smuggling ring across SD-TJ border http://bit.ly/17XWLuc more #crossborcrossborderlijournalismo1sdscijo13
Join us Saturday April 27 in La Jolla California: Cross-Border Science Journalism Workshop #SDSCIJO13
http://bit.ly/W94Fic -
Historic joint #crossborder bid for the summer 2024 #olympic games by #San Diego and #Tijuana http://bit.ly/14lMc7v o1sdscijo13
On Saturday: Cross-Border Sci Journalism. Live webcam: http://www.youtube.com/user/genevivebjorn?feature=watch …iveb… Follow on TwitteSDSCIJO13IJO13
Looks like a great event! MT @LynneFriedmann: Saturday: Cross-Border Sci Journalism. Live webcam: http://www.youtube.com/user/genevivebjorn?feature=watch …iveb… FolSDSCIJO13IJO13
Cross-Border Science Journalism http://bit.ly/14Xg9M3 on Twitter: #SDSCIJO1SDSCIJO13
Live webcast of the #Crossborder #Science #Journalism workshop starts at 8:30 am PST http://bit.ly/ZSPFmN 13SDSCIJO13
#Crossborder #science #journalism Workshop webcast live now at http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sOIDARuknQI&feature=plcp …sOsdscijo13scijo13
Science does not stop at the border. Excited to be attending the first cross border sci journo workshop today! #SDSCIJO13
We’ll be live-tweeting from the Cross-Border Science Journalism conference today & learning about outreach south of the border. #sdscijo13
Vaya que es un placer estar en San Diego para esta reunión de periodismo fronterizo en #SDSCIJO13
Science impacts development decisions, journalists key link – Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Here at #SDSCIJO13. Great to see so many faces!
#UC-Mexus founder was driven by issue of deforestation around cattle ranching, wanted to transcend border limitations. #sdscijo13
Mexican gov matches 1:1 funding with #UC-Mexus to bring post-grads in science and tech to US to study. #sdscijo13
#SDSCIJO13 Eminent Mexican scientist Exequiel Ezcurra lays out the importance of cross-border scholarship.
“Techio” means devoting 1-2 days per week to service of community. At #UC-Mexus techio is for science. #sdscijo13
If anyone out there has wondered about science writing south of the border, you can follow the hashtag #SDSCIJO13 today or….
US post grads in science also work in Mexico through #UC-Mexus. #sdscijo13
… you can see the speakers at Genevive Bjorn’s YouTube site. http://bit.ly/ZDOiNB 13SDSCIJO13
Exequiel Ezcurra of UC-Mexus impressed by young scientists, and by how much international exchanges enrich their work. #SDSCIJO13
Difficulty w/visas for Mexican students has broken the tradition of intellectual exchange & academic collaboration in Sonorra #sdscijo13
We’re losing the close collaboration between Mexican and US researchers – Exequiel Ezcurra. #SDSCIJO13
E. Ezcurra describes experiment pub in Nature by two Mexican students involving little but scotch tape, glue & plexiglass #sdscijo13
Many native groups are divided by the US-Mex border #sdscijo13
The loss of ecosystems is a net loss for Mexico—economic and otherwise. #sdscijo13
Water and environment are key #crossborder issues #sdscijo13
Conflicts of interest re: water aquifers and water allocations: “That issue is never-ending in Mexico.” — E. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Mexican govt tried to establish 30K hotel rooms in single site with no water allocation (10K rooms in all Baja); people rose up. #sdscijo13
Cabo Pulmo is a mega resort complex of 30K hotels rooms – triple existing – alongside a marine reserve in Baja WO/ fresh water. #sdscijo13
Big stories in Mexico right now: Water along the border, Cabo Pulmo, open air mining. – Exequiel Ezcurra. #SDSCIJO13
Open-air mining in Mexico: To mine gold for one wedding band (using cyanide), need to mine four tons of dirt #sdscijo13
Arsenic from gold mines is great untold story. #SDSCIJO13
For years after mining huge problems with arsenic content in water in Mexican communities. #sdscijo13
1 gold wedding band release 10,000 kg of cyanide into water and soil in Mexican open air mines. #sdscijo13
Arsenic runoff is consequence of open air mining in open air mining in Mex #sdscijo13
Can science impact development decisions? -Dr Ezcurra #sdscijo13
The beaches in Cancún are disappearing. Why? #sdscijo13
Famous Cancun beaches are receding. Why? #sdscijo13
Ezcurra: “Science is too isolated in ivory towers; ‘the cultural luxury of the neutral’ while issues are discussed by citizens.” #sdscijo13
Famous white sand in Cancun is disappearing because buildings are too tall, creates high pressure, blows sand away #sdscijo13
Translators at #sdscijo13 are excellent… almost no lag time. Bravo!
Shrimp in farms in Mex fed Purina food, then dumped in mangroves. Water rots. #sdscijo13
Loreto Bay Fundacion “one for the history books of shame.’ LBF promised funding for enviro orgs, which gave them free reign #sdscijo13
Loreto Bay Foundation project bought silence of environ watchdogs by claiming to donate 1% of $ to EP. #sdscijo13
Loreto Bay withdrew from project, left everything half done and much environmental damage; Mexican govt had to rescue project. #sdscijo13
Common Mex govt MO is that losses are socialized and wins are individualized #sdscijo13
Developers waited until Semana Santa to bulldoze mangroves. Nice. #sdscijo13
Serious water and gas scarcity issues in La Paz, yet development continues. #sdscijo13
It’s not a coincidence that mangroves are downstream from intense human development. – Exequiel Ezcurra. #SDSCIJO13
Human footprint maps show layers of human impacts on environment. Studies show mangroves filter pollutants, but are vulnerable #sdscijo13
In northwest Mexico, where there are mangroves, there’s development. How to protect them? #sdscijo13
Getting data from the Mex govt is like pulling a tooth with a pair of pliers. We get it, but it’s complicated. – Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Mangroves are worth $37,000 of fish catch PER HECTARE!! – Exequiel Ezcurra. #SDSCIJO13
If a hectare of mangrove is worth $37,000, why is the fine for destroying one only $800? #SDSCIJO13
One hectare value of mangrove in Mex is 37k for fish alone, and the fine for destroying is $800. -Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Politicians are like dogs, they learn by getting beat by the newspaper. -Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Politicians are like dogs. They learn by getting beaten by the newspaper. #SDSCIJO13
“Politicians are like dogs: They learn by being beaten by the newspaper.” — Exequiel Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Scientists must argue with data on issues that will define the future. -Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
We need to educate our scientists so they learn to interact, primarily with the media. #sdscijo13
Mexican politicians seem to welcome input from scientists…but the laws still don’t change. —Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
A kind of schizophrenia exists between policy makers in Mexico and the rest of the discussion. Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Environmental impact studies in Mexico are full of conflicts of interest that are not disclosed. – Dr. Ezcurra #sdscijo13
Scientists in Mexico need to make sure their research is funded by legitimate sources that do not create conflict of interest. #sdscijo13
Some gov agencies pressuring scientists to sell their services, discourages openness to press. #sdscijo13
Taller Transfronterizo en Periodismo Científico, transmisión en vivo http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=es-419&client=mv-google&gl=MX&v=sOIDARuknQI&feature=plcp&nomobile=1 …s-abanavbaSDSCIJO13IJO13
Astronomy, microbiology and molecular biology are top fields if science in Mex – Estrella Burgos #sdscijo13
23% of Mex research is collaborative with US scientists. #sdscijo13
23% of scientific research in Mexico is done in collaboration with U.S. researchers. #sdscijo13
Mexican researchers have developed a drug for HIV that also stops cancer spread. #sdscijo13
#sdscijo13 Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries for journalists. What would happen in the US if the situation was the same?
Journalists in Mex have been reduced to transcribers of political discourse, not a voice for the people – Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
All of the Mexican media is afraid of investigating – Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
Arturo Barba @abanav en el Taller Transfronterizo en Periodismo Científico, transmisión en vivo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRDtvjpRBHY …tvSDSCIJO13JO13
Many Mexican scientists are afraid to criticize the gov out of fear of losing federal funding. – Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
Mexican scientists depend on federal funding, so they can’t be an independent, critical voice. -Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
Journalists in Mexico struggle to be independent. -Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
Not many communication offices for Mexican research centers. #sdscijo13
Mex journalists haven’t convinced editors that we should cover what people want, which is different than what’s being published #sdscijo13
Mexican newspapers rely on wire content so mainly cover foreign research #sdscijo13
The Mexican media is too close to political power to have its own voice. -Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
“We are storytellers, but in Mexico we have set that aside to reproduce ‘statements.'” – Arturo Barba #sdscijo13
Gracias por la interesantísima discusión sobre periodismo científico #sdscijo13 edición de frontera y bilingüe http://bit.ly/ZEbvyY
#1 thing sci journos need to know? How science works. Then you can cover many topics. —Estrella Burgos, editora de Como Vez #sdscijo13
MT @SalsaDeCiencia: Follow #sdscijo13 for USA-MEX border #scicomm. Edición de frontera y bilingüe http://bit.ly/ZEbvyY
Would Mex journalists covering science benefit from topical mentoring w/ US science journalists? #sdscijo13
Perhaps greatest skill of a science reporter: knowing where the news is. #sdscijo13
“Reporters never stop asking questions until we ourselves understand.” S. Lynne Walker #sdscijo13
UCCS – new group of scientists committed to environmental issues in Mexico. #sdscijo13
Scientists should be trained to speak effectively with reporters. – Luis Marin #sdscijo13
What are the incentives for scientists that talk to journalists? #sdscijo13
Tranning scientist to communicate with media? yes! But also breaking the mistrust is importnat. #sdscijo13
@GonzalezIvanF Incentives for scientists: Increased access to funding, spread passion for research, comunicate w/ colleagues #sdscijo13
Break at #sdscijo13 Ending with positive view: This is a great time for science journalism in Mexico. More scientists opening their doors.
Technology fail? lunch break at #sdscijo13 can be heard online, as camera was left on 😉 I feel in San Diego now. Happy bunch of attendants!
Hear Pulitzer winner Susan White talk about how she pulled it off with only a team of 7 reporters http://bit.ly/ZVEIzW 13sdscijo13
“The nation’a pipeline regulations are really terrible, written for industry.” Susan White #sdscijo13
The ardest think to do is a narrative that is all build with facts. Susan White at #sdscijo13
How can we pull people through to read all of our material? We packaged invest results w/strong narrative. #sdscijo13
Why do 200,000 gallons of oil have to spill before industry’s standard leak detection system kicks in? #sdscijo13
“Ours is a real David and Goliath story, except in our version David didn’t even have a stone.” Susan White #sdscijo13
“When you feel that you have the right story and it needs to be told, then you do what you have to to tell it,” Susan White #sdscijo13
Preguntan a S. White: Como hacer periodismo ambiental sin ningun recurso? Nunca darse por vencido, la historia tiene que contarse #sdscijo13
Lynne Walker says it’s good to be small if you want to fly under the radar. #SDSCIJO13
Small news orgs face difficulties, but lots of benefits to flying under the radar. -Susan White, Pultizer winner #sdscijo13
Ebook of amazing 3-part story on Dilbit disaster reaches a different audience than the web – Susan White #sdscijo13
“Editors in the US are hungry for global stories, and they don’t have the budget to send reporters,” Erik Vance #sdscijo13
Erik Vance: Publications all want to have a global reach, but never has it been more difficult to make that happen. #sdscijo13
Vance: It doesn’t matter who you partner with, just find someone to fill in the gaps and complement what you don’t understand. #sdscijo13
Find partners to fill in the gaps you’re missing in your work – Erik Vance #sdscijo13
Vance: People are getting tired of hearing only narco stories coming out of Mexico. #sdscijo13
@webjournalist It’s been an amazing day so far at the #Crossborder #Journalism workshop. Looking forward to your talk! #wjchat #sdscijo13
#wjchat Watch Robert Hernandez speak today at 3 pm PST about journo tech tools and data vis – http://bit.ly/ZVEIzW 13sdscijo13
.@erikvance was hesitant to move to MX because there weren’t many sci journos there…but that’s exactly the reason to do it. #sdscijo13
“When you’re a journalist, you never stop being one,” Sergio Vicke on leaving his high-profile media job to go inde. #sdscijo13 #wjchat
“When your work allows you to help people, that’s when you know it’s worthwhile.” Sergio Vicke, independent journalist #sdscijo13
We have to tell stories, not news. -Sergio Vicke #sdscijo13
Very inspiring words of encouragement for all journalists and science writers from Sergio Vicke. #sdscijo13
“Kapuscisinki said that we are the historians of today. I think we forget that.” -Sergio Vicke #sdscijo13
News is what changes the world; ‘unfortunately we got into this paradigm where ‘news is whatever my boss says is news.’ — Vicke #sdscijo13
“Right now is the time for science journalism. The climate change story is the story of our time.” — Susan White #sdscijo13
Climate change is the story of our time. The challenge is finding ways to tell it. -Susan White #sdscijo13
“It’s mind-boggling to think of all the resources we have to tell this (climate change) story.” — White, #sdscijo13
Climate change is the story of our time. There’s never been a better time for collaborative science journalism – Susan White #sdscijo13
“Clean Break” by Osha Gray Davidson is a must read on energy – Susan White #sdscijo13
Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House and Ronald Reagan had them removed? Wow. #sdscijo13
Tip for freelancers from @erikvance: any way you can create colleagues for yourself, do it. #sdscijo13
You know you’re done reporting when the person you’re interviewing is telling you things you already know.– Susan White #sdscijo13
Ask yourself as a journalist: Will the reader understand this sentence? Is this boring? Is this essential? #sdscijo13
Graverobbing + necromancy MT @lizzie_wade Freelancer tip from @erikvance: any way you can create colleagues for yourself, do it. #sdscijo13
When we write and publish stories showing people doing something wonderful, we encourage others not to wait for gov – Susan White #sdscijo13
Many great tips from Susan White on editing your own work, esp never forget you’re writing only for your reader #sdscijo13
You’re not responsible for what your sources say, but you are responsible for the sources you choose — Sergio Vicke #sdscijo13
Sergio Vicke reminds #sdscijo13 attendees that the most essential step we take as journalists is selecting our sources. That’s the key step.
“No is a very exciting word to me. I see it as a challenge.” — S. Lynne Walker #sdscijo13
I’m about to give my Tech & Tools talk at #sdscijo13 … if you want to see it, they are live streaming it here: http://youtu.be/AysA-OwXA60
Excelente ponencia de Exequiel Ezcurra, director UC NEXUS #sdscijo13 pic.twitter.com/gol6iZjx95jx95
Exequiel Ezcurra: Ecología y Gobierno, ¿Puede la ciencia incidir en el desarrollo? #sdscijo13 pic.twitter.com/CYrxPl3nPR3nPR
Estrella Burgos, de la revista ¿Cómo ves?, y Arturo Barba, fundador de la agencia Sapiens #sdscijo13 pic.twitter.com/Fa4dDObGW3bGW3
@webjournalist is this is the link you gave out @ #sdscijo13 presentation? http://bit.ly/15PfJq live btw: bit.ly/11 http://bit.ly/11t2eXF
Susan White, ganadora de premio Pulitzer #sdscijo13 pic.twitter.com/VErbjjfP9VfP9V
Robert Hernandez @webjournalist speaking now about free tools for data visualization – http://bit.ly/ZVEIzW 13sdscijo13
Free data vis tools: many eyes, tableau, protovis, google fusion tables #sdscijo13
Don’t need to buy expensive Microsoft software anymore. Google docs and fusions tables are free w/gmail account. #sdscijo13
.@webjournalist recommends google Fussion Tables for big data sets http://bit.ly/ZELNKI ijo13sdscijo13
Batchgeo cleans up your data automagically for free #sdscijo13
Free infographics platforms: visually (bit clunky), easely…These names usually missing a vowel or have a bird on the logo #sdscijo13
Storify easily builds a narrative based on social media. When you publish our story, it’s good practice to let sources know. #sdscijo13
Hidden feature in Twitter: Searching by location for real time reporting http://www.twitter.com/search-advanced ansdscijo13ijo13
@webjournalist Journo Rule #2 – You have to check it out. Social media is not fact, it’s a tip. #sdscijo13
“Tweets are not facts, tweets are tips.” — Robert Hernandez, Annenberg School of Communication #sdscijo13
Cant afford photoshop? Free photo editing tools: pixlr, cameraplus app (mobile) #sdscijo13
Super awesome new media tools for data visualization, publishing and more: http://webjournalist.org/topics/tools/ cssdscijo13sdscijo13
How do you verify tweets? “Journalism. Reporting. That’s how you verify them. There’s no app for that.” — Hernandez #sdscijo13
“This is social media, I don’t judge. It just is. Even if it borders on TMI.” – Robert Hernandez #sdscijo13
SoundCloud is the twitter of audio. Its sends you an email of audio, meaning you’ll have to ignore the annoying digi voice.#sdscijo13
@manoloespinosam @webjournalist sug participants in Cross-border Science Journalism workshop should contact you re SoundCloud #sdscijo13
@webjournalist Journalist Rule #4 – We are civilians, journalists and a brand all in one. Use Facebook accordingly. #sdscijo13
“As a journalist my job is to share with the community, not just the community that pays for it.” – Robert Hernandez #sdscijo13
“Let’s not kid ourselves, what paid for our work as print journos was the coupons, job ads and classifieds.” – Robert Hernandez #sdscijo13
@webjournalist says he doesn’t pay for content but will explain why over drinks. Love to. He’s buying I assume. #sdscijo13
Amazing talk about social media and tech tools, incl aug reality, by Robert Hernandez of USC @ http://bit.ly/Z7eco7 asasjadsnasw13sdscijo13
Augmented reality as a tool for storytelling. stranger things have happened …. @webjournalist #SDSCIJO13
Google project glass will display smartphone data on a head piece, ex of augmented reality. #sdscijo13
You can make a timeline about anything, map and/or embed twig dipity or timelinejs (supports video) #sdscijo13
Single best digital tool for reporting is a smartphone. Read this for ammo to influence your boss: http://bit.ly/webjournalism #sdsdscijo13nanasw
#SDSCIJO13 Thank you for having me. My Tech & Tools page is http://bit.ly/techandtools acias!
The rest of @webjournalist talk at Cross-Border science journalism workshop: http://bit.ly/ZUFBK8 13sdscijo13
#SDSCIJO13 Dr. Exequiel Ezurra keynote speaker being introduced.
#SDSCIJO13 Dr. Ezcurra: at UC MEX every US $ matched 1:1 by Mexico govt.
#SDSCIJO13 decades of desert research collaboration in peril due to difficulties today with travel visas into US.
#sdscijo13 Borders are political. Ecosystems continue on both sides.
#SDSCIJO13 Water issues in Mexico. Tension between the north and south on allocations.
#SDSCIJO13 Open-air mining issues. Gold mining using cyanide.
#SDSCIJO13 70% of Mexico acquifers are over extracted.
#SDSCIJO13 Two tons of earth moved to extract 1 gram of gold.
#SDSCIJO13 Cancun beaches are receding. Por Que?
#SDSCIJO13 Sand replenishment tried. Sand dredged from reefs.
#SDSCIJO13 Tall buildings in Cancun create a high pressure effect that impacts the beaches.
#SDSCIJO13 Cancun reefs so depleted that sculptures placed underwater so divers have something to see.
#SDSCIJO13 Shrimp farming. Wastes dumped in coastal lagoons and mangrove forests.
#SDSCIJO13 Mangroves filter pollutants, keeps them from reaching the sea.
#SDSCIJO13 A move by developers and hoteliers to do away with mangrove forests.
#SDSCIJO13 Every hectare of mangroves, an add’l $37K/yr in fish productivity. Destroy a hectare of mangroves, a penalty of few hundred $$$.
#SDSCIJO13 Next up: Susan White, exec. dir., http://InsideClimateNews.org This online media news org. won the 2013 Pulitzer for nat’l reporting.
#SDSCIJO13 Science writer Lisa Song made sure all the science was correct and clear.
#SDSCIJO13 “If we had not won a single prize, we felt good about what we did,” Susan White.
#SDSCIJO13 Reported on the story for 18 months. Still reporting the story.
#SDSCIJO13 Advice to advocacy groups: Take out the adjectives in what you write.
#SDSCIJO13 Being small can be an advantage in reporting.
#SDSCIJO13 Turned the story into an e-book. Reached a different group of people.
#SDSCIJO13 Next panel: Creating cross-border relationships to expand reporters’ markets.
#SDSCIJO13 Erik Vance: American science writer living in and reporting from Mexico City.
#SDSCIJO13 Partnerships are important when reporting from Mexico.
#SDSCIJO13 Editors are hungry for global stories.
#sDSCIJO13 We’re all tired of the “narco story” as the only story out of Mexico.
#SDSCIJO13 Mexico is not a one-story country.
#SDSCIJO13 There are a lot of science and technologies stories jn Mexico that aren’t being told.
#SDSCIJO13 A big opportunity for science reporters in Mexico.
#SDSCIJO13 Susan White “Now is the time for science journalism.”
#SDSCIJO13 When have you done enough reporting? When you interview someone and you know all the answers they give.
#SDSCIJO13 Next up: Robert Hernandez, visual journalist and adjunct professor, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, USC.
#SDSCIJO13 Google Fusion Tables. “Perfect for storytelling…understanding massive amounts of data.”
#SDSCIJO13 GeoCommons. Free. Overlays your data onto maps.
#SDSCIJO13. Infographics. Visual ly. A bit clunky to use.
#SDSCIJO13 http://Twitter.com/search-advanced anced. Can search by word, hashtag, zip code, city, positive tweets. Shows tweets w/in 15 mile radius.
#SDSCIJO13 Pixlr for photo editing. Basic photo editing.
#SDSCIJO13 Liveshare. Groups all your photos from various sources.
#SDSCIJO13 Soundslides. Demo version for free. Ridiculously easy to use.
#SDSCIJO13 Evernote. For gathering info for your stories plus audio plus your notes. Saves to the cloud. Start editing on your smartphone.
#SDSCIJO13 IFTTT (If This Then That). Helps you track and organize things.
#SDSCIJO13 There is no app for verifying tips and leads. “It’s called journalism!”
#SDSCIJO13 Sound Cloud for embedding audio.
#SDSCIJO13 FiRe 2. Allows you to edit on your smartphone and upload to SoundCloud.
#SDSCIJO13 Writer. Gets rid of the “noise.” Closes everything off so you just write.
#SDSCIJO13 360Panorama. Hit record, app will stitch the images together. Upload and viewers see a scene as if standing in the middle of it.
#SDSCIJO13 Word Lens. An augmented reality program that automatically translates foreign language when viewed thru the phone camera.
#SDSCIJO13 Audience reaction “I’m overwhelmed.”
#SDSCIJO13 Learning new media. “It’s better to play than to do it on deadline.”
Augmented reality for scientifci storytelling. @webjournalist mentioned this Access Magazine edition http://bit.ly/17q4JxN JO1SDSCIJO13
#jornadaperiodistasmx los apoyamos desde San Diego al participar en la #sdscijo13
#jornadaperiodistasmx #sdscijo13 vamos a exigir respeto a los periodistas de México. Los queremos vivos. Hoy gran movimiento nacional
Cross-Border Science Journalism Workshop http://bit.ly/10lQfsg JO1SDSCIJO13
Better link for Cross-Border Science Journalism Workshop http://bit.ly/10BY3Is O1SDSCIJO13
Webcast talks from yesterday’s #crossborder #science #journalism workshop, incl @webjournalist, are online http://bit.ly/14DkBPA o1sdscijo13
THX, @GeneviveBjorn & @LynneFriedmann for video from #sdscijo13 workshop on cross-border science journalism. http://tinyurl.com/cclqw62 asnasw
Do not miss! @GeneviveBjorn: Webcast talks from yesterday’s #crossborder #science #journalism workshop http://bit.ly/14DkBPA o1sdscijo13