Ocean Acidification and the Media at @NSWA
Eric Swenson, communications and outreach director for the Global Ocean Health Program, discussed media coverage of ocean acidification with NSWA members and guests on Dec. 11 at University House.
The program opened with a short scientific explanation of acidification, the lowering of the seas’ pH due to manmade CO2 emissions. It has only recently been recognized as one of the major threats facing humanity. Washington and Oregon are ground zero for acidification. By 2009 the Northwest seed oyster industry was experiencing losses of up to 80% of its larvae. Swenson reviewed how the industry has recovered for now and then turned to looking at how the media has covered the subject.( David Williams, @nswa)
Ocean Acidification and the Media
Eric Swenson, communications and outreach director for the Global Ocean Health Program, discussed media coverage of ocean acidification w… -
Eric Swenson from Global Ocean Health Program will discuss media coverage of ocean acidification with @nswa on 12/11. http://bit.ly/1eus7Oy
Tomorrow – #ocean acidification w .@nswa 7:30 p.m. http://bit.ly/1hGBVZx w Eric Swenson of Global Ocean health .@FishSource
Looking forward to this! MT @nswa: Media coverage of ocean acidification: Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m.. http://bit.ly/1eus7Oy
Tonight (in Seattle) we will discuss media coverage of #OceanAcidification at @nswa‘s monthly meeting: http://bit.ly/1eus7Oy
live-tweeting Ocean Acidification and the Media: Eric Swenson from @FishSource at @nswa
Swenson is Communications & Outreach Director for the Global Ocean Health Program http://bit.ly/1flL7PB @nswa
DISTRACTION ALERT! Here is an example of trolling:
@nswa Science perverted byGov’t research $. Bribes 2push climate & #oceanAcidification lies &hide truth about ^indoorCO2 medProbs & violence
Eric Swenson at @nswa reffers to 42 recomendations on Ocean Acidification, here is the text: http://1.usa.gov/1flOJkG
Eric Swenson mentions new Ocean acidification center at University of Washington – http://bit.ly/1flPfix @nswa
Ideas to help with Ocean Acidification? Check @PaulGAllen Ocean Challenge http://bit.ly/1flQ2jx Eric Swenson at @nswa
Thanks to Eric Swenson from Global Ocean Health Program for discussing #oceanacidification with @nswa tonight. http://bit.ly/1d8QgYZ
Just a quick video to give you some idea of the chemistry of ocean acidification. How to make a seashell? – Just add water! by MinuteEarth (not shown during presentation).